Car Vandalised


Registered User
Aug 1, 2007
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I'm gutted, my ex wife vandalised my new 8P S3 car today...she has keyed the passenger door right through to the rear quarter..its a mess...

I phoned the police and they're going to look into it....i didnt see her do it but i checked the car before i left this morning and she had a big stupid fuc%in grin on her face when i picked the kids up...i knew she was up to something when she went to say goodbye to the kids....

i am so angry, all i can think of is retribution


i wonder what my chances are of getting her charged?..
I'm really sorry to hear this mate.
Has the police said any thing? When did it happen day time? Or morning? As it was fine when you left it this morning
How bad the damage? Has she said any thing?
Police should of been around there and arrested her. My sister ex boy friend car from some strange reason. Got £3k worth of damge done to it, in under a 1 minute. She got arrested and they took her car to get check for glass etc. So there is a chance she could get charged need some kind of proof but probably wont because police at use less these days
Sorry about all the question.

sorry to hear about your car. To have her charged you would need proof. I'm guessing nobody else saw what happened?
tie her naked to the bonnet and hit 130 in the rain that should do the job,, no but serious id do her car her moms car her dads an so on throw paint over the lot ......and just do a silly grin back when you drop the kids off i couldnt hold it down id snap over sumut like that check the makky dees drink fulla paint lol

I'm really sorry to hear this mate.
Has the police said any thing? When did it happen day time? Or morning? As it was fine when you left it this morning
How bad the damage? Has she said any thing?
Police should of been around there and arrested her. My sister ex boy friend car from some strange reason. Got £3k worth of damge done to it, in under a 1 minute. She got arrested and they took her car to get check for glass etc. So there is a chance she could get charged need some kind of proof but probably wont because police at use less these days
Sorry about all the question.


I believe an officer will be tasked with investigating this and will contact me tomorrow..i left the house at 11.45 (car was fine), arrived at my ex's house at 12.15 and left within minutes of arriving...then went to the local pertol station and noticed the damage...there is no way that anyone else could of done this..even though i didnt see it happen...the scratch is a deep one right through to the primer and about 3 foot long...would guess it would be a complete respray on the passenger side to fix but I'm no expert...its not like its an isolated incident, she told me she slashed her ex husbands tyres when they split up and shes threatened me on several occasions...

i'm livid...just paid £25k for it 2 weeks ago as well

tie her naked to the bonnet and hit 130 in the rain that should do the job,, no but serious id do her car her moms car her dads an so on throw paint over the lot ......and just do a silly grin back when you drop the kids off i couldnt hold it down id snap over sumut like that check the makky dees drink fulla paint lol


if i have to pay for this, then i cant see anything else but but where does it end?...ulitmately if i go and do all her families cars then mine will end up being trashed again!


id get some girl to give her a propper slap then and threaten her not to go neer your car again
i know its horrible poor kiddies.... just leeve it move house dont let her know where you live and arrange a pickup place for your kids ... the sooner your out of the way with no contact the sooner she will 4get and move on better for everyone iff you cant move out get an injunction on her and arrange pic ups for your kids ... thats the sensible advice pal my first 2 were out of anger lol
Gotta just think of your kids haven't you.....

She obviously isn't...

i know feel sorry for kids that have gone through the break its terrible just tell her you got cctv now and GET IT ... and just forget it dont let the kids see you vexed and that its not fair ..... but just get night vision cctv your sorted
Curiosity, but did you cheat on her?
To be honest i wouldn't go down the route of revenge until the dust has settled at least...
1. Because these things usually spiral out of control and the police lose sympathy for you.
2. When there are kids involved they don't need the tension (sorry to sound like Jeremy Kyle).

Just act cool, pretend you're not bothered, let the police do their bit and then a few months down the line visit her car with a can of paint stripper (for legal reasons some one else told me to write that)
Sorry to hear about the car mate. You could really do with finding what she did the damage with. It would have been a spontaneous, probably with something she carries daily. Might be a bit difficult but if you have chance, and it was keys there may be some tell tale signs on them. We have had a few instances locally of vandalism and although this is too late for you there are some insurance companies which include cover for this with no loss of no claims. If your insurance is due soon maybe this is something to consider.
To be honest i wouldn't go down the route of revenge until the dust has settled at least...
1. Because these things usually spiral out of control and the police lose sympathy for you.
2. When there are kids involved they don't need the tension (sorry to sound like Jeremy Kyle).

Just act cool, pretend you're not bothered, let the police do their bit and then a few months down the line visit her car with a can of paint stripper (for legal reasons some one else told me to write that)

dazzeroo personified


haha like blazin style...But do have to think about the kids. and if some thing happense to her, police are going to come to you.
I'd agree with pnh80 just wait for a bit. But i'd be ****** new car for two weeks and b*tch did that! I know now i'm saying just relax and do it few months down the line.

But i know i wouldnt wait. That takes the ****, when sister ex partner car got done over. They arrested her withing 30minutes. And she was home in bed with the baby. Had to wait three weeks till a witness came forward and said it was two men one with a base ball bat and other with a ham. Then another two weeks or so for the charges to be dropped. But then her ex partner. Said he saw two men doing it but thought it might of been some one she sent around.

thats taking the **** been waiting for the car and then withing two weeks this has happened. Have you phone insurance? Or you going to just pay up to get it fixed?
Yeah when girl i met say stuf regarding ex like 'i smashed him over a head with some thing, or 'i slashed his tyres and keyed his car' im like ohh very nice and make a quick get away. Had my car smased up once. Well my first car, two side windows done and front. They tried to do the back and other side. But managed to stop it, but also got myself in a bit of trouble. Oh yeah just to let you know sister ex partner insurance wouldnt pay for it, so he can to sell his white jag as it was and think lost quite a bit. He was a tw*t anyway. Hope you told the police what she told you about ex husband and threating you. lWhat colour the car aswell?
Thats probably way, broke up with my ex met some one months down the line. The girl went nuts turning up outside my house all hours of day and night. Throw all the stuff i bought her one morning over the car. Some woman you shouldn't p*ss off lol

No, but I did meet someone after 6 weeks of leaving her. Our relationship had been over for sometime before the split...
No, but I did meet someone after 6 weeks of leaving her. Our relationship had been over for sometime before the split...

Then if it was me I'd certainly consider some form of making her wish she hadnt done it for sure, what a complete & utter bitch, I mean some people are just complete & utter feckwits huh to do things like hat, if it was over then just leave it alone, why did she do that, you didnt do anything while you were together so what possible reason would she do it, if I had seen it I would have most certainly slapped the bitch full stop, kids or not, no way was it warranted mate, sorry to hear, but you should be glad ur out of it directly as such, makes you wonder why she's not gone through 2 husbands huh mate.
Benskin that musta be some odd ****** hitting a car with a ham!!
Sorry to hear about the car mate. You could really do with finding what she did the damage with. It would have been a spontaneous, probably with something she carries daily. Might be a bit difficult but if you have chance, and it was keys there may be some tell tale signs on them. We have had a few instances locally of vandalism and although this is too late for you there are some insurance companies which include cover for this with no loss of no claims. If your insurance is due soon maybe this is something to consider.

i've spoken to my insurance company already and i'll lose two years no claims if i make a cliam as i'm not protected...

i reckon she used her wedding ring...i know, the irony..!!

didn't go back to the house as...

i. i dont live there anymore
ii. didnt want to make a scene in front of our children resulting in further upset for them (something she seems to persistently overlook)
iii. i would probably of done something i would regret
haha like blazin style...But do have to think about the kids. and if some thing happense to her, police are going to come to you.
I'd agree with pnh80 just wait for a bit. But i'd be ****** new car for two weeks and b*tch did that! I know now i'm saying just relax and do it few months down the line.

But i know i wouldnt wait. That takes the ****, when sister ex partner car got done over. They arrested her withing 30minutes. And she was home in bed with the baby. Had to wait three weeks till a witness came forward and said it was two men one with a base ball bat and other with a ham. Then another two weeks or so for the charges to be dropped. But then her ex partner. Said he saw two men doing it but thought it might of been some one she sent around.

thats taking the **** been waiting for the car and then withing two weeks this has happened. Have you phone insurance? Or you going to just pay up to get it fixed?
Yeah when girl i met say stuf regarding ex like 'i smashed him over a head with some thing, or 'i slashed his tyres and keyed his car' im like ohh very nice and make a quick get away. Had my car smased up once. Well my first car, two side windows done and front. They tried to do the back and other side. But managed to stop it, but also got myself in a bit of trouble. Oh yeah just to let you know sister ex partner insurance wouldnt pay for it, so he can to sell his white jag as it was and think lost quite a bit. He was a tw*t anyway. Hope you told the police what she told you about ex husband and threating you. lWhat colour the car aswell?

its brilliant red mate...gutted
Then if it was me I'd certainly consider some form of making her wish she hadnt done it for sure, what a complete & utter bitch, I mean some people are just complete & utter feckwits huh to do things like hat, if it was over then just leave it alone, why did she do that, you didnt do anything while you were together so what possible reason would she do it, if I had seen it I would have most certainly slapped the bitch full stop, kids or not, no way was it warranted mate, sorry to hear, but you should be glad ur out of it directly as such, makes you wonder why she's not gone through 2 husbands huh mate.

i'm so glad i'm away from her and out of that relationship...her mum was even worse...i'm sure shes got balls, lol...oh any yes you're right the common denominator is complete fuc^ up i'm sorry to say...she constantly hassles me, i've had her email address blocked at my work, changed my mobile no. and all sorts to try and get away from her....there is lots more but I'm sure it happens all the time in broken relationships

Women seem to be wired up wrong.....................
Women seem to be wired up wrong.....................
So much so I seemed to post it twice............
lol i know but...I read the witness statement at the police station and it said this Quite a big man mixed race hitting the lights and bonnet, then returned to car with a bigger hammer, guessing slegde hammer.

Benskin that musta be some odd ****** hitting a car with a ham!!

LMAO Irnbrukid comment just made me laugh:haha:
sound like you need to keep the pet rabbit out of sight!

Ok, we are sure it was her so you need to find out whats important in her life.... If she used her ring, there will prob be paint stuck in between the stone & metal...

As said, the danger is the escilation of these revenges - you need to be untracable before planning any revenge!
i know i cant help it lol but that would so win when she licked her lips and realise its **** lol ....ultimate win
Or send her a chocolate cake from a family member she likes & make sure its a nice triple choc & fill the middle with dog poo, now that I would love to be fly on a wall to see her face, lmao
I'd just take it on the chin and wouldnt lower myself to her level. Most of us want revenge for something done against us but the best thing is to stay calm. Just to add.. you've still got the love of your kids and a superb 25k car with a mark that can be sorted.....oh and a new 'bird'. Wouldn't you be ****** off in her shoes?

Or send her a chocolate cake from a family member she likes & make sure its a nice triple choc & fill the middle with dog poo, now that I would love to be fly on a wall to see her face, lmao

Lmao......hey man if you were a fly you would be on the cake dummy

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