HELP!! Has anyone else had a message from Serendipity??

S3 Johnny

The grass isn't always greener
Sep 11, 2009
Reaction score
Just had a message from someone called Serendipity:-
(Hey,I'm new here, how's it going?"The most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly and gently" - Pema Chodron---Serendipityhttp://*************)
Did anyone else get this? or know anything about it?
Thanks Johnny
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Yeah me too, I had a new private message yesterday and it was that, think it's probably a virus or somthing so just didn't click the link.
I had this message yesterday morning aswell, deleted it straight away. Then straight afterwards couldn't log onto ASN!
i didnt get that message but all of yesterday i couldnt get onto asn, kept coming up webpage unavailable?

i was getting withdrawal symptoms lol
Yea I got it aswell & deleted straight away, the account apears to be banned now aswell.
They have been banned,anyone else getting peculier messages with links report them immediately its no good without us knowing peeps.
Hi folks,

Just to confirm - unfortunately this spam-mongering bum-troubler did send out a few PMs before being banned - if you've received one please just delete it.

Also, the PM was (somewhat regrettably to a point) not related to your losing access to ASN. That was just because we're having a few problems with things at the moment. vBulletin perhaps shouldn't have been quite so confident to bring 4.0.0 out of Beta/Release-Candidate status and go Gold. They're working hard (a lot of us are hoping at least) and releasing fixes for some of the stuff that's not quite doodle-pip as fast as they can, and we're running around with chewing-gum and bootlace bodging things as far as we can until they get it nailed...

Thanks and regards,
