Derren Brown - Anyone watch it??


Defo worth the wait :)
Apr 9, 2006
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Did anyone see the lottery prediction thing the other night??

He is going to show how he 'apparently' predicted the numbers tonight.

What do you think of it???
Seen the Derren Brown spoof on 'We Are Klang'?
On the news this morning they were mentioning dual TVs as if it were an illusion. I missed some of it so didn't get the full grasp of what they were saying. It will be interesting to watch 'How he did it' tonight thou. First of a 4 parter I think...
Gives us plenty of time to practice I suppose before hitting the jackpot! haha ;)
I love all his stuff and think he's a modern day legend. He said it took a year of his life so should be a good watch.
Yea is interesting to watch all this sort of stuff, did watch the program afterwards which was quite cool, especially the bit where he said he had studied the whole AtoZ!!!
It was a cheap illusion, with a lot of acting by Derren Brown.

All they did was freeze the image on the side of the screen where the balls were, derren and the TV were on the other side of the screen still live....


and then as the numbers were read out one of his assistants swapped the balls for the correct numbers.
When the numbers had all been called they unfroze that side of the screen and picked up the full live feed again.

The bit that gives it away is that one of the swapped balls had not been placed back in the holder properly and sits about half a centimeter higher than it was in the first place.
As they unfreeze the image you can just about see the ball jump up slightly.


Not sure if anyone saw his latest advert where he says he'll reveal how he did it and he's holding a snow flake. Well that's the hint..... the screen was FROZEN!

I reckon he would have tried to play it out like he's got some serious powers or something if they didn't make the silly mistake of not putting the balls back properly.
it's all a con, would you be showing this if you could really do it? why not just "predict" the euro millions lottery numbers when it's a payout of about 60 mil.

Also, does anyone think he is a little bit creepy ? :(
I must admit I didn't notice this on tonights show/play back.
For the 24/23 people to pick numbers at random 3-4 times then come up with the lotto numbers :no:

Going to watch the recording back tomorrow anyway to see whether what aythreee says is true ;)
Well i got to say after watching tonights program, it looks like alot more went into it than a frozen screen by the looks of it, however..................................................

Looks can be deceiving!!!
That was an hour of crap. Deep maths my a*se!
Get 24 people, ask them to guess or do auto numbers (or whatever it's called) and you end up with the correct numbers for the lottery. Puuurrllleeeeezzz Derren!
It's a fair argument and the first time i seen it. Of course it's an illusion as he is an illusionist! It's the other stuff he does that impresses me like influencing/predicting people's decisions and his card skills are second to none.
No I have not seen it.But if any one have seen it plz do let me know.