My dog 1995 to 2009

Broken Byzan

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Apr 26, 2004
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Cardiff, United Kingdom
As a sad follow on from Toms post about cute dogs, we today had to let our old man go. He had an incurable neurological condition.

I don't know why anyone would care as such, i just wanted to vent a bit.

We are fortunate that it's nothing that is catching so the other dogs will be fine

May look at getting a puppy at some point, maybe a boy Staffy or GSD so we could maybe have a litter....

Nothing will make us forget the old boy, gutted doesn't do it justice
Feel for you bud. I'm a long time dog owner and it's always cut me up when I've lost a faithful companion.
Mark, so sorry to hear about your loss. R.I.P.
Mark sorry to hear about your dog. Also a dog lover myself so can understand where your coming from.
I don't know why anyone would care as such, i just wanted to vent a bit.

More people will care than you think mate.

I'm very sorry to hear this, a dog is one of the family and thats all there is to it.
I'm sorry about your news. I've got a puppy recently, but will never forget my last dog. I think you'll find sympathy from all dog owners, we know the heartache it causes.
Sorry to hear about that Mark, I'm sure he's chasing sticks still though

He looked like a quality pup
Hey Mark and Stace, so sorry to hear this news, hope you guys are ok.....

Gone but not forgotten
The kids have him in heaven chasing the cat we lost at the begining of the year. I am happy with them thinking that. We are ok thanks everyone.

It;s hard to put into words to someone thats not a dog/pet lover how it feels, so thanks again for everything
Sorry for your loss a long time dog owner,As far as i am concerned it is the only downside to dog ownership,they quickly become part of the family but it is always sad when you have to let them go.If you get another dog it will never replace the one you have lost but it will help you get over it,they each have their own character.
Keep your chin up mate
Well, i was thinking of maybe a GSD pup boy but we are looking to save for our wedding So i am going to look for a slightly older one free to good home or similar
Sorry to hear that mate, but i know where you are coming from.

We had a German shephard a few years back and he was still a puppy.

He would bite things all the time at random and we could`nt understand why.

It turned out he had a rare genetic condition affecting his legs that put him in so much pain all the time he had to bite things to keep the pain away.

We couldnt look after him anymore so we donated him to the police, unfortuantly they couldnt use him due to his condition so gave him back to us and they told us to have him put down as it was the most humane thing to do.

We kept him for a few more months trying everything and visiting vets etc to find a cure/solution but nothing could be done so we decided to have him put down as he was in so much pain.

The day my dad took him to be put down was one of the worst days of my life.even my dad was in tears, upsets me just to think about it to be honest, the poor sod never had a chance.
Did anyone see the dog program that Mark Evans did a couple of months ago,was all about the genetic disorders that affect pedigree breeds? it was really eye opening and i never realised how common it was.Basically he said it was down to imbreeding to get "crufts" standard dogs
We had a black labrador cross,lived to 17 when she had to be put down.You just get so used to having them around that it leaves a huge void when they go.Now got a 7 year old staffy,had her from 6 weeks old but dreading her getting old,she still acts like a pup but is slowing down a bit these days
My staff is the hardest dog i have ever had! she shows no pain ever! but she is proper thick too when she feels like it really loyal though and good company.My mum and dad had her while i was at work until my mum died a couple of months ago,but she has been great company for my dad since,she still looks for my mum even now
Sorry to hear about that They become family.
That must be in the breedm sounds just like our girl, loyal as hell. Sometimes sooooo stupid you couldnt dream of it. Then other times she pulls out the stops and shows you how clever she can be.

I think i would rather have her in a dark alley on my side, the GSD is a formidable weapon when trained correctly, mines a pet so not trained like that. I think if push came to shove the red mist would drop and the staffy would be almost unstoppable until i commanded her to leave, i think it comes more naturally to her.

In fact i am trying to type this with her sat on my lap and the GSD at my feet
Sorry to hear that Mark and Stacie but I'm sure you have many fond memories that will stay with you both forever.
Sorry to hear of your loss, all my life there has been dogs in my households and IMO losing a dog is as bad as losing any other member of a family. Here is my little friend I hope the look of him cheers you up a little..he is more of a rat than a dog, lol

Dogs give something to a home nothing else can matter how bad a day you have had a dog will always make it fell that bit better...Im sure the little fella had a great life living with you and im sure he now rests in peace. run free little man, run free xx
It sad to know.But the pics of the dogs are really very nice and cute.I LOVE DOGS.

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