F1 - Hungary


My BM is fixed!
VCDS Map User
May 26, 2004
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Now I am no fan of Lewis Hamilton at the best of times, but it just goes to show you what a selfish arrogant idiot the man really is at the end of today's GP.
This week has been a sad week for motorsport, with Henry Surtees loosing his life at Brands, and yesterday Massa having an almighty crash that has left him in a coma.

I think in light of the current situation he maybe should have shown a bit of humility when getting on to the podium, instead of leaping around like a deranged teenager when one of his opponents is lying in the hospital.

There is a shocking similarity between the crashes of yesterday's crash and last weeks fatality, and I think Hamilton should have shown a bit of restraint and respect.
all the drivers know things like this could happen to any of them. im sure all of them wouldnt want the rest of to do anything different if something happened to them. i mean its not nice somebody died and massa got hurt but life goes on.none of this happened in the race that he won. would you be this upset if your favourite driver won and was happy about it?
Yea...... the other guys on the podium were running about and spraying champagne at each other. The team mechanics etc gathered below were clapping and cheering, as were the crowd.

all of this was totally unacceptable right??
I think he celebrated so much out of relief hes not had a very good season so far after the last one
Sorry to say this, but this sounds more like a personal rant than anything else, I would be jumping about on the podium myself, if I was defending world champion, and this is the first win I could muster. And I'm not just saying that as a Lewis Hamilton fan neither.

Also, shouldn't the thread title be renamed 'Lewis Hamilton' or something?

Best wishes to Massa also, hopes he makes a full recovery.
You need to look at what Hamilton has said before having a dig at his celebrations - as has been said before I'm sure it was just sheer relief at winning again for the first time in 9 months than not thinking about what has happened in motor racing in the last week - quoted on the BBC's website:

"Race winner Lewis Hamilton extended his goodwill to Massa following the Briton's first victory of the season.

"Maybe I can speak for all the drivers but Saturday was quite a sad day and we missed Felipe," said the defending world champion.

"For me, I've had a great relationship with Felipe for quite a few years now and some great battles with him.

"I'm just glad the surgery went well and we're just going to keep him in our thoughts and prayers, and we wish him a speedy recovery.

"He's got a child coming, so he needs to get back into top shape so when he's finally a dad he can do the job well."
whatever, maybe its a personal rant, I think he's a puppet with his father's hand up his ar$e controlling him, surprised there is space in the cockpit.

Go Jenson...!
And now we've Stiggy aka M Schumacher back in the cockpit...

Might make me watch the next race, just to see if the old boy can still hack it.

Well, at least Hamilton gets his dream of racing with Schumi!

Shame it had to happen under these circumstances, but should seperate the men from the boys!

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