photoshop request!


Registered User
Feb 20, 2009
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i have been looking for new alloys for my car, mainly because the originals that it came with have been heavily abused, and are scuffed, kerbed and marked in a whole host off ways, before i bought it!
now i cant really afford the cost of buying a new set, but i have been quoted £250 for a refurb from this company -

only using their standard finishes though.

so could any of the more computer literate members on here,
possibly do me a photoshop of my car with original alloys,
in one or more of their standard finishes please, so i can see if i should go ahead with this please?
i think i like, silver, satin matt black, gloss black and charcoal!!!
thanks, heres my car -

Hi mate - if you keep driving till the tyres need changing, you'll be able to pick up a set of 18" wheels and tyres for £500ish.

Thats what i do and it gives me a reason to change!

Just a thought Hows the motor btw?
l cant remember where you are from marty, just remember you taking pictures at lower largo. anyways, theres a van goes around in glenrothes l took the number of it, it was chipsaway or something. l have heard guys mentioning 50 quid a wheel. l have to give them a call sometime as lve, the missus, kerbed all of mine.
Hi mate - if you keep driving till the tyres need changing, you'll be able to pick up a set of 18" wheels and tyres for £500ish.

Thats what i do and it gives me a reason to change!

Just a thought Hows the motor btw?

like your thinking mate!!!

it was just to get them smartened up a bit in the meantime!

as for the motor, its still whistling and kazooing away like a toddlers toy,
am getting quite into it now, dont even bother turning the stereo on now!!!

seriously though, im off work next week and a friend of a friend who is right into his cars and claims to know a bit about turbos, is going to have a looksy for me, and see if theres anyway of sealing that joint between the pipe and the turbo, without replacing the turbo!!!

speaking of which, hows things with yours?

hi, im on the west coast, east kilbride, and there is a few of these mobile units round our way too, for much the same price.
the difference is, the mobile units just mask your tyres and re-spray and laquer your alloys face and maybe also rub down any really bad markings, where as this company im looking at, take the wheels off, then the tyres off, then dip the alloys to strip them, them buff any marks out, then paint and laquer the whole alloy to finish, which i think would give a much better finish!
and on reading reviews of both processes, the mobile ones can get a bit of a slating in some places, due to flaking over time! its only what i've read, so dont quote me though!!!

is that your s3 the missus has been kerbing???
sounds like they do a fine job. yeah mines kerbed, but l did it myself and one day said to the wife when l just came back from angola ' l wonder how that happened' while looking at her.
just wanting to see if the car will suit getting the alloys a darker colour like charcoal/anthracite, matt/gloss black!
oh yeah, and i am thinking of getting the windows tinted as well, legal tints, any chance of someone photoshopping all this up for me please?
Its not the best but you get the idea satin black wheels

Personally id just get a set of reps on drop it and tints

Go for colour coded or audi's titanium on the lava grey, unless you are going to change the grill to the optics... Black on grey cars looks weird imo.

Titanium/ lava with a brushed chrome lip is the way forward, that's what I'll probably do if I go for a coloured set of rims anyway.

think i agree with you, it does look a bit weird!
i was thinking of doing the black vinyl on the grill surround and tint lamin-x on the headlights and fogs and getting the rear windows tinted as well!
i would keep the standard colour maybe the titanium colour would be nice. keep with the idea bout getting lamix-x and the vinyl wrap, im doing that in a few weeks hopefully! i think dark alloys on dark cars is a bit too much.
thanks guys might just stick with getting them refurbed original silver!
as for the vinyl wrap on the grill surround, couls omeone point me in the right direction of what to get and where please?
hey guys,
stumbled across the forum and thought I'd reply, seeing as I made a few jpgs of a sportback with different rims (before I bought my A3)

hope that helps...

oh, here's mine with S4 rims...

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