All traces of Britain slowly being eroded

Brittannia missing off coins and Arsenal banning the flag of St George at matches. This country is sinking like the Titanic. The people like us are the first to notice that its going under but the others higher up are yet to see the water rising.
look at the US and see how patriotic they are,makes me jealous.
i wonder what the image representing modern britain will be perhaps a wagon load of illegal immigrants entering through dover or maybe an english man scared to death of opening his mouth incase he is branded racist
A Mosque :undwech:

Wait for the barrage....................................
So we've suddenly lost our 'Britishness' because Brittania is going to be removed from a 50 pence piece? Get real people.

It's the diversity of the people that live in Britain now that define 'Britishness', not rose-tinted Colonialisation/Persecution from 300 years ago.
Here we go, this is sure going to be an interesting debate now, I have a feeling I know whose gonna get involved in this one soon.
300 years ago I think Britain would of been not a good place to live and colonisation sounds good but imagine the logistics of it all ?
Being patriotic means racist here in Britain for some reason.
Race/religion/colour doesnt matter, ALL UK residents regardless of origin should embrace and respect Britains proud heritage.

This includes born and bred home grown desrespectful Chav scum.

Send them to the same hole as the preachers of hate and terrorist sympathisers.
We dont want them, we dont need them

If you dont want to belong and make a positive contribution to the land you live in, p!ss off some where else.

Being patrotic means loving your Country for what it is, not what it was.

So by your definition then we should love Britain as a spineless, identity-less, compensation happy, handout loving shadow of its former glory, when in its heyday it was the worlds greatest industrial, technical, financial and military power.
When Queen Victoria was on the throne, we had a navy that was twice the size and power of both its nearest rivals, Spain and France, put together.

People were proud of their country and Britain stood for something, yes people were made to work hard, but without hard work nothing is done, someone had to do it and by the toil of their hard work we became great.

Colonialism although people say its awful, has created some of the emerging world powers, India and Pakistan are perfect examples. If you look at India, some of the descendants of colonial India are better educated and well spoken than most of the population of this country.

Even up to about 1950 people loved their country, what makes a country great is its identity, its history and its people, when a country loses its identity then it becomes a mongrel, and that's what Britain is becoming.
So by your definition then we should love Britain as a spineless, identity-less, compensation happy, handout loving shadow of its former glory, when in its heyday it was the worlds greatest industrial, technical, financial and military power.
When Queen Victoria was on the throne, we had a navy that was twice the size and power of both its nearest rivals, Spain and France, put together.

People were proud of their country and Britain stood for something, yes people were made to work hard, but without hard work nothing is done, someone had to do it and by the toil of their hard work we became great.

Colonialism although people say its awful, has created some of the emerging world powers, India and Pakistan are perfect examples. If you look at India, some of the descendants of colonial India are better educated and well spoken than most of the population of this country.

Even up to about 1950 people loved their country, what makes a country great is its identity, its history and its people, when a country loses its identity then it becomes a mongrel, and that's what Britain is becoming.

Well said chris
This country is sinking fast.All they know is about selling,Very soon they will the country itself to the highest bidder or sell buckingham palace just because of greed.
Not exactly current affairs is it? That story is over a year old and we already have the Queen's coat of arms on the new heritage isn't exactly lost?
the problem with this country is we reward doing nothing lazing about and takign the eay option

we should reard hard working, determination and back bone
Not exactly current affairs is it? That story is over a year old and we already have the Queen's coat of arms on the new heritage isn't exactly lost?

Does the date make it any less poignant then?
So lets get this right, we already have the queen (german) on one side of the coin now we'll have her on the other too. Great!

You miss the point, kings and queens come and go, but Britannia is the symbol of Britain, and has been since the Romans were here, you don't think the dissolution of that from our coinage is important?


It's the diversity of the people that live in Britain now that define 'Britishness',


If you look at the names on the War Memorials in every City, Town, and Village throughout this Country,,,, now THAT, would be a good place to start understanding what Britishness really means!
I'm proud to be British, but I'm not overly fussed as to what's on our coinage.

It's a bit hypocritical to be all patriotic and say Britain is being eroded away because Britannia is no longer on our coins, then you call our current monarch a German.

Maybe should you go back to the 1600's? Or just accept that the nature of the world changes, including what we deem our national symbol to be.
It's a bit hypocritical to be all patriotic and say Britain is being eroded away because Britannia is no longer on our coins, then you call our current monarch a German.

Is she not a German then?
I think its factual and yet again you miss the point.
You beat me to it Chris, you're totally right, she's german, cant stand the ****** royals anyway, she's rich enough so why we pay for there **** is beyond me, ok tourism etc, but still, with diamonds size of your fist locked away you'd think she would pay her own way huh.
You beat me to it Chris, you're totally right, she's german, cant stand the ****** royals anyway

Ermmm HRH was born in Bruton Street, Mayfair,London.....doesn't sound very German to me Herr NHN.
just got a good joke on a text that fits right in here.

a immagrant lands in the uk and is granted 3 wishes by the customs office,
im hungry he says.... bang a table full of food appears,
I need somewhere to live with my family..... bang hes in a 5 bedroom house all paid for
I want to be a Englishman.... Bang it all dissappears.
when he asks where its all gone they say now your a Englishman your entitled to F all.....
Ermmm HRH was born in Bruton Street, Mayfair,London.....doesn't sound very German to me Herr NHN.

She may have been born here but the lines go back fair few years of german descent & actually names, the Windsor name was only taken on back in early 1900's, before Windsor it was a very german family name, enjoy the read, you wanna :salute: me now or later, lol
like that fanatic said black flag over downing street in 10 years but if it stopped the thugs whores pissheads granny robbers and the devil and sorted this shithole out then im not to ***** just done try convert me ....
She may have been born here but the lines go back fair few years of german descent & actually names, the Windsor name was only taken on back in early 1900's, before Windsor it was a very german family name, enjoy the read, you wanna :salute: me now or later, lol

well,here you can have this :salute:

BTW we all originate from apes so does that make us apes?
we didnt originate from apes ..... more like greys

If you look at the names on the War Memorials in every City, Town, and Village throughout this Country,,,, now THAT, would be a good place to start understanding what Britishness really means!

You seem to forget that the War Memorials are to the people who fought for other peoples freedoms and against fascist opinions. Not to people that wanted to uphold it...
like that fanatic said black flag over downing street in 10 years but if it stopped the thugs whores pissheads granny robbers and the devil and sorted this shithole out then im not to ***** just done try convert me ....

like that fanatic said black flag over downing street in 10 years but if it stopped the thugs whores pissheads granny robbers and the devil and sorted this shithole out then im not to ***** just done try convert me ....

Over my dead ******* body, sorry but that aint happening, black flag over 10 downing street, that would most certainly cause a serious disturbance in the force, I for one would be seriously ****** about that & would do what it takes to remove it & replace with the union
i know but this goverment is letting it happen lol ...... cant .....******......breath...... lol im goin to ireland getting out of this shithole eventually lol
So we've suddenly lost our 'Britishness' because Brittania is going to be removed from a 50 pence piece? Get real people.

It's the diversity of the people that live in Britain now that define 'Britishness', not rose-tinted Colonialisation/Persecution from 300 years ago. diversity......that always gets me laughing diversity......that always gets me laughing

Diversity, yeah thats a good one, let every ****** in the country & treat them like royalty & give actual british nationals a **** ride all the time, what also ****** me of is seeing British nationals actually fighting against our own soldiers in other countries & also bombing there very own country, I mean WTF is all that about, brainwashed they say, I'd say they didnt have a brain to start with cause if you're that thick to do/act this way & believe what you're told then they should have been a terminated pregnancy cause you're not worth the NHS's time to pop you out after 9 months or maybe they were all premature & came out after 9 weeks.

Really starting to get totally ****** of with this day in day out.
Wonder how much it would cost to put barbed wire around the whole of the coast UK and signs every 10metres saying `**** OFF WE ARE FULL`

Even Joseph and Mary got turned away from a dozen B&Bs before making do with a barn. And look how important they are!!!
Jesus` parents no less !!!

We dont seem to be able to turn anyone away.
Regardless of the long term impact of the welfare of the current UK residents.

Mixed races can really never co-exist as they have different ideals and different values.
Unless the races coming to this country accept the way of this country then there will always be division. That's why there are a lot of areas in Britain that are occupied by different ethnic groups, they stick to their own.
The thing is they want to change their environment to suit them, not change to suit their environment like every other species on the earth.
The reason why countries have borders is because we have different values, when Britain's borders were breached, so were their values.

Too many do-gooders in my opinion. I liked Margaret Thatcher, she had more ******** than all the blokes in Parliament put together, when she said she was going to do something, she did it. People might not have liked it but you knew where you stood. Not like the modern day spin doctors who do more U turns than the AA school of motoring, we don't have a clue what they're up to.

Lets SPEND our way out of debt.... nice one gordo. ****.