A little ST3 update/Review


Registered User
Jul 23, 2008
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Well first of all let me tell you I had been waiting to get my car mapped for sometime and everytime I have the money for a REVO with select switch something always came up and had another bill to pay. So when I saw the ST3 group buy £299 was well in my price range so I investigated further. The review was helful that Kaz wrote. I thought I would pass my experience on after a week or so living with my cars new power.

The unit was a doddle to set up if you have anyform of PC knowhow as I repair them for a living I found it very easy to set up. The first thing which confused me though was when you had to select what model of car you had there were two options for the 2.0 140 diesel so a quick phone call to chippeduk and my query was answered immediatly. I never contact companies by e-mail as its a waste of time with 99% of companies.

Once set up I connected it to the car got my orginal map stored and emailed it off to get the maps back.

It loaded exactly as stated and I have stuck with Fast Road as thats what I was most interested in getting. I was off to fix a PC and it was a good chance to get a feel for the new map. Initially I could feel a difference, that slight jerk from 1st to 2nd that all cars on this platform have was gone which wasn't something i expected but it is totally resolved. The second thing I noticed was how smooth it was to pull away even gently its such a progressive map that puts the power just where you want it.

I didn't want a massive power gain low down because it would make it a pain to run smoothly through town like my friends MkV 140 with bluefin. SO having let the car warm up I thought I'd give it a few more beans onto the 60 stretch on the way to the job. There was a Bently infront who was quite shocked to see me clinging onto the back of him, obviously he wasn't gunning it but he was making a fair growl nontheless. Because this start was on a slight turn to take the first exit off a roundabout I noticed the traction control light kick in where it wouldnt have from the same power normally. This was just me using a little too much power and not using how progressive it is to my advantage.

The surge in power in 2nd and 3rd is phenomenal the revs now built right up high and it doesn't run out of energy as it did before you don't get that waiting feeling thinking come on just a bit more. 6th gear is a wonder, on a recent motorway trip I didn't feel any need to change out of 6th even when we slowed to 45 where I would normally have changed into 5th to boost it up to 55. What gets me is that this map is now smoother than the original and I wouldn't want to have to drive the standard map again other than to take it for service.

Using the car without traction control is great fun in the dry if not a little dangerous in the wet. The freedom without the traction control allowes for a bit more maniac driving but I leave that to when I'm on my motorbike to be honest nowadays.

The flexibility of having the flash unit means its a fantastic £299 spent and I can't reccomend it enough. As a final note I'll share my economy figures from it. Going the same trips I do normally the MPG on the DIS is up by 2-4 MPG if you boot it all of the trip then you take about a 6 MPG dip which I still don't think is bad because since I've had my audi's I've only wanted a bit of power when needed to overtake not play with chavved up corsa's so overall I'm at least 2 MPG up with more power!

If you have any questions feel free to drop me a PM

Biggie :blackrs4:
Nice little review their buddy, certainly seems worth the money!
im glad your happy with it

i've just tried eco in the last 2 days and i've got to say i dont notice much difference with my mpg.

however i love fast road so much
I think diesel MPG is seriously affected by the temperature, I guess I'd load up eco to do a really long run 400+ miles and see what it did but i'm so happy with fast road its a winner!

Thanx again lex for setting it up!
With eco, its down to how you drive. You got to be really lightfooted and take it easy and you can see a fairly big gain...(apparently)

But it saying that, I havent ever used mine - its been on fast road most of time and as the weathers getting better, might put it into race and see how that goes!

Top Review Biggie! You got the same economy gain as mine on the fast road and defo agree that it can be a bit dangerous in the wet hence why i got some sport conti 3 tyres - well worth it as power goes down a lot easily with a lot less wheel spin.

Glad to hear your loving it :D
Yeah I got a couple of new tyres on the front but I really miss the conti sport 3's!

I've got some michelin pro's i think they are good in the wet and average in the dry but do give insane mileage!