

Registered User
Nov 1, 2007
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Just got the facility to design & machine a wide range of componants with really good quality and price.

Just wondering if anybody thinks there would be a market for this? I.E someone wanting a one off part to be drawn up and made out of a certain material.....

Just an idea and after some opinions.....

Well its just an idea at the minute......

But i guess anything.......

By anything i dont mean a W12 hehehehe
So, For example, If i wanted soemthing like an S3 Rear valnce to fit my current bumper, could you do that

Or were you thinking along the lines of engine parts (EGR blanks etc.)
can you make brackets for calipers?.
hehehehe thought i might get questions like this!

I was more thinking brackets, spacers maybe expansion tanks. That kind of thing, im open to ideas! but things like bumpers is a no no really

Be careful with spacers mate for obvious reasons.

Mind you, with precision milling, i cant see how you could go wrong

Having said that, theres some unscrupulous people about who would blame there own mother for the cause of an accident.

Not trying to frighten you mate, but its always doom and gloom with me before a coffee in the mornin tho
ANd with regards to what L60N says, dont forget to include the T&C bit "I accept no responsibilty for damage cause to the cars or users whilst using or installing any of the products from my range"....

That should cover ya

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