Moving from Windows to Linux


Registered User
Dec 18, 2007
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I moved from windows to linux about 6 months ago. I work in I.T. but dont consider myself a massive nerd.. more a geek.

Anyroad, Ive been using Ubuntu 7.10 and am more than happy with what I have found. I haven't had any problems other than syncing my N95 (which I have now done... kinda) and would recommend trying it if all you do is browse the net, send emails, listen to music, watch vids, use office documents and view/use photos. Its great and theres nothing I could do on XP that I cant do thru 'gutsy gibbon'.

You can try it by running it direct from CD before you decide to make any permanent changes. The Ubuntu variant is well supported too and is soon to release 8.04 Hardy Heron (Weds 23rd).

If you do have a look, let me know what you think. Its nice to have things running quickly and smoothly for a change.

SO ... I thought Id post this... as Ive read thru the forum and cant sleep so I have nothing better to do...

Oh, and its 'endorsed' by Samuel L and Nelson M.
Noooooo Im not.. honest! I like football, women, beer and I dont like maths, kittens or flatpack foods.

I consider myself to be a bit of a geek (I don't like football by the way, but I do like beer, women and cars) and I have always liked the idea of being different and moving to Linux but I really do like windows, even though it has some problems. Macs wind me up though.
yeah, I still like windows. Im not jumping on the Ii hate Bill Bandwagon for the sake of it.

I like the freedom of linux tho... its a fresh change. And of course you can run them side by side for a bit for the taster.
Slightly off topic, but has anyone tried the new safari web browser?
You're all nerds!!!!
new safai web browser on windows sucked for me, kept crashing and doesn't have some basic functionality i was used to. i've now gone over to Mozilla.

Safari on my Mac works ok, but don't use that a lot, just a test machine.

On the Linux front. i have used Linux clients quite a bit, but always found myself going back to Windows XP, even though I'm not a great fan or Mr Gates.

Linux and Vista rank about the same for me at the moment, 2 OS's with great features but just seems to be a pain to use and config sometimes. I used to be a unix sys admin and just find that at home when i'm feeling lazy windows is sometimes just a little easier for me to use.
yeah, windows has to be the ultimate in laze.

smitch, your a nerd too ... by being on this very forum!

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