Your Kill List..


Registered User
Feb 18, 2004
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Clearfield, PA
whats your kill list...

mines as follows..
civic type r (new shape)

scooby turbo.. (sounded like a messed with engine due to dump valve and louder grunt)

fiesta turbo.... didnt really give him chance to get off the starting line he he!

and todays kill the focus RS!! from 0 to about 110mph on a stright... then kinda got scary as the cars in head decided to swith lanes.. rally drivers would be impressed i tell ya! but got away from him enough to claim a win!!
If you keep up that sort of activity on the public roads you'll soon be adding your own name and possible some other innocent people to you 'Kill List'. Fast driving is one thing but racing on the highway is a totally different ball game. Keep it for the race track!

Dave R
dave speeds just one factor of an accident...isnt the only reason for one...

i use speed to my full ability and never take it beyond my full control and so if a kid was to walk, crawl jump,fly across the road.. i will have enough control to avoid the kid and any other thing that gets in my way...

the people who crash are victims of other peoples stupidity or their own.... dont let you own mind fall victim to to stupidity....

enjoy the wise words...

How come it got "kinda scary" when other cars changed lanes then? If you were 100% in control of the situation there wouldn' thave been a scary moment surely?

I been driving long enough not to "let my own mind fall victim to (to) stupidity".

I am not against fast driving. I often drive at 120-130mph but only on German motorways where other traffic expects you to be doing that sort of speed. Most accidents are not caused by speed alone, far from it. Most are caused by people not concentrating properly or doing silly things without any regard for other road users.

My only objection was to the idea of 'racing' on the public road. That to me is 'stupidity'.

Two boys about your age were killed recently near where I live doing just that and I would hate another Audi driver and Forum member to suffer the same fate.

Drive fast on appropiate roads by all means but please do not RACE and hopefully you will still be enjoying driving fast to 38 years time !

Dave R
agree with what ur saying fella and it was on a road where no houses were and was a dual line which moves into 3 and back into 2 then into a 4 lane r/bout entrance...

only reason for it been scary is having your passenger freak out! shes not used to speed as shes a none driver and 20mph feels fast to a none driver..

fastest ive been on a road is just over 170 and full appriciate going that speed and how dangerous it was but i know that i would never use speed for the wrong reasons... and in no way was i about to let a FORD have my bange under its belt!

Wise words Dave. Can't help thinking that the kind of driving Richy is describing is a major contribution to the current trend of speeding enforcement we are experiencing all over the country (oh yes, and the revenue!)
TBH every person who owns a car has had races on public roads. I know i shouldnt, it is a risk. Every race you ever have is a risk no matter what you think of the situation, it is never "safe" no matter how much you reckon it is. The fact of the matter is you could be on a race track and kill yourself, it is less likely but possible, same as on the road but we are just putting more people in harms way, and there's a higher chance of something going wrong.

I know "I" and every other person should not do this but we all do or have at one point or another. I have been told countless times and thats my own stupidity, if something happens thats my own fault, no one elses, and be ready for the "i told you so". Truth is no matter what we say to others, its not clever to race on roads, but we have done it, nothing wrong in telling others not to do it, but unfortunately i know until something happens to me, i aint going to learn.

Anyway back to the topic, i havent got a S3 but have kept up with my mates chipped S3, he's a beginner so thats why i kept up lol, kept up with a Civic Type R, new shape one to 120 until he totally [censored] over me round a sweeping bend. A green A3 turbo, lol anyone on here with a green A3 1.8T in Luton get hammered by a Nova?Countless other so called "fast cars". BMW's are the best ones to crap on in a ****** old Nova. the look on there faces does it everytime.

Like I said its not wise and its not clever.

It's often not your own driving that is at fault, as you could be the most skilled driver in the world but can never anticiapte what some people are going to do!

For example a dual carriageway whereI work is dead straight for about 3 miles, 70mph limit. Subways underneath for the odd pedestrian, you would probably think safe as houses......wrong! Some young girl decided to make a run for it across the road insted of using the subway and that was the last walk she ever made.

My point is that you might know exactly how fast you are going but other people who are not used to speed like most of us on here do not. Cars pull out/pedestrians cross the road not realising how fast you are travelling and there is not much you can do when you are travelling at a high rate of knots.

Be careful!!!
Sorry richy, but if there's some kind of image you want to give out as Audi driver, or as a driver anyway, it's about the same as tuned Corolla DX with 2m tall spoiler. No respect from here at all.

I don't mind if you kill yourself, there's easier ways also, but if you hit any other car at that speed, you'll kill someone innocent as well. Racing in public roads, drunk driving, and all the other stupidity, I hope someone takes away your driving license, until you kill someone else or make them sit in a wheelchair for rest of their life. And that isn't funny.

If you want to race, go to race track. If you're good there, then be. As for driving skills, listening to you makes me believe I would be safer with some lady who just got their driving license (that is, you haven't had one for a long time either, have you?).

Having a nice car, a fast one doesn't mean you have to be a idiot when driving. If you want to test your 0-oo skills, go to dragrace track.

- Yak
Richy I know you didn't mean to start the thread like it has turned out but in fairness you're not really in control of a car at those speeds.

I've done 140 on an empty motorway at 3am but still if something was to come out in front of me there'd be nothing I could do except die quickly.

And in fairness David has been driving for longer than you and I put together and mutiplied a few times over too.

And I'd also agree, it doesn't matter how good a driver YOU are - it's the other idiots on the road that you need to be wary of.
Richy you just asking for trouble mate. Is there really any point in trying to show these "other drivers" that your car is fast.

The reason I got my S3's was because they are subtle and great fun.

I pretty much agree with everyone else thats posted. You've really got nothing to prove, at the end of the day who are you bragging to, other S3 owners and your mates that you beat this car and that.

Can the S3 really do 160 as you stated??? The fastest I'd ever got my chipped car was about 150 ON A TRACK.

Bottom line, do you really want to kill or injure someone!

My best mates wife was killed by a young lad in a fast car, trying to race a f**king Punto. He was pushing and pushing the Punto (which obviously had no chance, so why even bother) so it tried to overtake. The driver didn't factor in the fact that there was a dodgy camber, and my mates wife coming the other way. Two seconds later, three people were dead, all because someone wanted to show how fast his car was.

I like driving fast too, but keep racing to the racetrack mate..... please.
richy said:
agree with what ur saying fella and it was on a road where no houses were and was a dual line which moves into 3 and back into 2 then into a 4 lane r/bout entrance...

[/ QUOTE ]

My mate is currently looking at 2 years in jail cos he 'pushed' it a little hard going into a bend, wasn't racing anything either, hit some derv, lost the backend and then hit an on coming car. So don't say your always in control of your car cos thats just arrogant and stupid.

For the first time on this forum - you have just proved your true age.

At 19 - your driving experience is limited. You may think you are a good driver and maybe you are for your age, but believe me you have a lot to learn!

Racing everything you come across isn't big and it isn't funny.
richy said:i use speed to my full ability and never take it beyond my full control and so if a kid was to walk, crawl jump,fly across the road.. i will have enough control to avoid the kid and any other thing that gets in my way...

[/ QUOTE ]

Aha! Listen to captain invincible here! I very much doubt that you engineer the correct degree of circumspection into your driving to cover every eventuality - nobody can. And the fact that you are deluded in this ability of yours makes you all the more dangerous. I had a kid + ball combination jump in front of me last week. I was doing 20mph (by chance) in a 30 limit. Had the kid stopped in the path of my car I would have hit him, fortunately he kept running and therefore I avoided him. Sensible speed, normal reaction on the brakes - but only good fortune that I wasn't explaining myself to his mother and the police.

richy said:the people who crash are victims of other peoples stupidity or their own.... dont let you own mind fall victim to to stupidity....

[/ QUOTE ]

So what if a component of your car fails catestrophically? How do you apply your argument to that. All the meditation and mental psychobabble you care to convince yourself of aint gonna save the day there.

richy said:enjoy the wise words...

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm, don't look so wise now do they...
I'd suggest to Richy that he gets a life, but by the sound of things, he won't have much time in which to use it judging by his attitude to driving on the road at speed - god, who insures these edited /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/burningmad.gif
I very much doubt that you engineer the correct degree of circumspection into your driving to cover every eventuality - nobody can.

[/ QUOTE ]

Totally agree Dave - however people, you and I included, still on occasion drive too fast for the conditions.
(leaving AMD for example)

I'm therefore not going to be a hypocrit and flame Richy for his actions. I am however going to say, be carefull and take a step back and think before you floor the accelerator.

Its all about weighing up the risks and making a judgement call. However as stated above there are so many variables that no matter how much you "think" youre in control, theres always something that can bite you in the ***. This is when accidents happen.

r88per said:
I very much doubt that you engineer the correct degree of circumspection into your driving to cover every eventuality - nobody can.

[/ QUOTE ]

Totally agree Dave - however people, you and I included, still on occasion drive too fast for the conditions.
(leaving AMD for example)

I'm therefore not going to be a hypocrit and flame Richy for his actions. I am however going to say, be carefull and take a step back and think before you floor the accelerator.

Its all about weighing up the risks and making a judgement call. However as stated above there are so many variables that no matter how much you "think" youre in control, theres always something that can bite you in the ***. This is when accidents happen.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have to agree here... Most of us on THAT night, were doing over 130-140 on the M40. It was dark, and was raining. We knew the risks, but still did it.

If were honest here, we've all done it. The fact we dont talk/brag about it doesnt make it any different.

So he made a mistake!? Im sure after reading this thread he will think twice. However, i think its wrong to call people "w&nkers" and other insults for something like this.

Just calm down a bit!

ok sorry for making this post...

just wanted to see what kinda cars an s3 can kill.. thats all wasnt saying my car was the fastest in the whole world..

and i dont drive fast all the time.. im known as the "woman driver" of my group... sorry if this topic wasn't to anyones liking...

and yeah i do get insurance cheap /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Hehe can you get other people insurance cheap, i'm only 19 and the only thing from stopping me buying the S3 I want is the insurance, best quote so far has been 3k, bah wish I was a tad older than 19. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
and to add i dont go looking for races and if anyone actual knew me im a placid person and nothing like a hypro over sex drived male teen! lol

as rich said we all do it even if you dont admit it.. so dont judge me on other bad things that have happend on the roads. and yes i am sorry for peoples accidents etc... and know how it would feel if it happened to me if i lost a loved one.. yes i prob understand the dangers of speeding and slow down but at the end fo the day it hasn't happened to me..

and as for feeling more safe with a woman drivers hows just passed.... humm.... rather walk myself lol
Paul (r88per) I agree with you also - i think the key is to being aware of the vulnerability and making an informed judjegement as to the risks. I think the worst drivers are those who do not accept that they can make mistakes, do not accept that the risks may come from their actions and tend to externalise blame onto others.
What a prat this richy sounds.

Owning an Audi isn't about being a "Boy Racer". Owning an Audi is about owning a quality well built that you enjoy driving.
richy said:
but at the end fo the day it hasn't happened to me..

[/ QUOTE ]
Was reading your posts thinking, oh ok misjudged the guy, he got a bit eager with bragging about his conquests and deserved some of the flames .. and then you go and make a comment like this.

I think that thing people are trying to get across is that one day it will happen to you, I just
hope that day when you car gets a little out of control you don't take someone else with you.
Has anyone here never exceeded the speed limit, never challenged another car at the lights, never boasted about having beaten another car, never given it some when we judged it safe to do so... If you are whiter than white then post away. If not, shut up. Young Richy was under the misapprehension that a site dedicated to performance cars would be full of boy racers. He got that wrong didn't he!!
I agree with RichA3Turbo, give the lad a chance! I don't see why it should get personal everytime someone says they have raced another car on a public road.

I totally agree with everyone about the saftey aspect but should we really be jumping on his back with a ton of bricks!

Come on, we've all done it.


Give the guy a break, we've all gone over the speed limit and I'm sure all of us have raced passed another car at some point in our life's.

When I saw this thread title I though I would actually get to see what cars the a3 and s3 can perform well against, but instead I've seen a load of posts from hypocritical guys.

Perhaps this thread should be closed or deleted.
actually didnt aim this post to appeal to the boy racers thats the reason why i came here to get away from all that.. and also thats why i own an audi to not be judged as one...

but at the end of the day its a topic of discussion.. i asked what cars u have beaten.... didnt say road or track.. just in general topic.. i havent been on the track and so my view is from the road only.
Trouble is the "i beat this/that car, etc" gets pretty meaningless as you never know whether a car is modded, driving ability is always a variable factor and everyone exaggerates anyway. It's just a testosterone charged p*ss in circles and up and down yer trouser leg. Guess that's why we have race tracks where (1) cars all have the same measurable power (2) driving ability is a key differential (3) drivers are there by mutual consent and (4) innocent bystanders aren't at risk. Blah blah blah.
Richy - there aren't many people that haven't done what you have, but just take it easy
Yea I mean I will admit to being a quite fast driver, in fact just got my license back 7 months ago, but they are some pretty high speeds for public roads you are talking about. Just remember if you get pulled doing those kind of speeds that can be jail time, and we wouldn't want to see that happening.

Pete.:D /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
it's maybe not what you did/didn't do, but perhaps the means and methods of communication you've used to tell your story: e.g amongst people in a room, your character is summed up straight away (nice guy/honest/bullshitta etc etc) people may be less likely to shoot you down in flames (even though it's probably deserved, as we all know right from wrong - excessive speed is wrong - simple!) but on here, you were asking for a grilling. I'm no angel, don't get me wrong, like everyone else on here I've broke the limit, and participated in little stupid acts (though I must say I’ve learned from it and my driving style is usually very reserved, I’ve never been a particularly fast driver and it really was a concern of mine moving from an old fiesta to a chipped T Sport) I know I’m no Michael Schumacher, so I don’t try to be. There’s a post you may want to look at if not already,10,15,105,200,900,1000&Board=a3s3&Number=56692&page=&view=&sb=5&o=&fpart=all&vc=1 ( I think that should work)
the good thing to come out of all this is although some people can be a bit hard, they DO offer good advice – really, just step back and think about it sometime. Take it easy. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
richy said:
and as for feeling more safe with a woman drivers hows just passed.... humm.... rather walk myself lol

[/ QUOTE ]

Is there some reason you'd feel less safe with a woman !! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/burningmad.gif

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