The John Lewis list?


On Boost
Jan 2, 2008
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What a joke , upto £300 on a rug?????? :applaus:

Are the MP's not in London to represent there constituants/ ward /community? not to kit out there second home with finery, upto 10k on a kitchen, and £750 on a tele for there London pad!!!

IMHO they should be given £65 a week, the maximum somebody on benefits gets for there rent ( unless it's emergency housing ) and the MP's should furnish/decorate it out of there OWN money!

Socialist WORKER

Looks to me like they're getting a £50,000 limit to buy a nice big new shinny Hitachi or Komatsu digger cos they're digging themselves a sod of big hole at the moment, a spade just wont do it anymore. Now they really are seriously starting to take the ****!! Im thinking Castro had the right idea, viva la revoluzion!!!
Should be interesting when they release all the details of how much they have actually claimed!!!
Whilst I agree with most of your comments I would counter the argument with the fact that most of them do require a London residence. Also in order to attract a reasonable candidate you need to offer a reasonably standard of living after all they are running the country.

Personally I would have though that the better way to run the second residences for MPs that are not representing a London constituency (i.e. they should be living in London anyway), is for the Government to provide a central residence for the MPs that require a second home in London. So a purpose built and secure block of apartments.

My thoughts.

So a purpose built and secure block of apartments.

My thoughts.

What about pentonville that would be secure enough mind it costs £40K a year to keep a prisoner oh F--k it build them some luxury flats it would be cheaper.
Whilst I agree with most of your comments I would counter the argument with the fact that most of them do require a London residence. Also in order to attract a reasonable candidate you need to offer a reasonably standard of living after all they are running the country.

Personally I would have though that the better way to run the second residences for MPs that are not representing a London constituency (i.e. they should be living in London anyway), is for the Government to provide a central residence for the MPs that require a second home in London. So a purpose built and secure block of apartments.

My thoughts.


I agree......... With all of that!
This enrages me, plain and simple, when I say enrage I mean I literally get upset about this. Public transport the NHS the road conditions all these things to name but three are missing out just so some fat cat can buy a £200 blender and a £300 rug? I just dont understand where the common sense is in that, I dont understand it one bit.
It always makes me so happy to know all my hard earned tax money is being spent on the things that really matter.

What we talking about here? Dont understand! :lmfao: Seriously though!

Lottie I was replying to gti jazz blues comment about secure accomodation for MPs, pentonville is a prison in London and since some would say (but not me of course) most MPs are crooks pentonville would make a nice residence for them.:whistle2:
Having to use London public transport everyday i would much rather they spent any extra cash on that.

Makes you wonder where it all goes though. All this money people pay to go on the tube certainly doesn't go back into it and it's extortionally expensive.

To go from embankment to charing cross is £4. I'm not exagerating when i say it is a 300 yard 2 minute stroll!!!! How can you justify that?????
this is ********. If I worked in london on occassions Id be the one that would have to pay for having my own residence - otherwise you COMMUTE or stay in local hotel. MPs do this work because its what they wanted to do - that is be representative for their constituents. As for attracting the right people - obviously not attracting the right people cos this country wouldnt have the tossers leading it that it currently does have.
MPs average pay including allowances and expenses in 2007 amounted to £135,600 and that doesn't include the up to £90,505 they can claim for staff you know the son, daughter, wife who work sooo hard for their constituents.
Is pretty mad the costs of running our government.

The should reduce the numbers as I think there are far far too many. But they will not put themselves out of a job, is like jobs for the boys.

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