Clutch questions for 2003 S3 (old shape)


Registered User
Dec 16, 2007
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Can somebody explain the idea of an automatic clutch? is it different from any other clutch? eg. japanese cars. Does the Audi S3 have a different type of clutch from other japanese cars? should it be treated differently while driving? is the clutch different at all from regular stock clutches?

Let me now what u think.
explain sme more. i mean i know tht i hve to use my left leg for the clutch.....i was wondering if hwever it worked any different from other cars. that are also standard.
The clutch works the same as any other car mate.

Are you actually talking about the haldex unit which engages the rear wheels making the car 4 wheel drive when it senses the fronts losing traction. It is completely electronically controlled.
ok thanks for that. so therefore the car is not at all times four wheel drive , but rateher just when necessary correct? ( i am learning here :cool: )_
Yes mate thats right, the car is normally 2wd and only becomes 4wd when the fronts loose traction. When and how quickly th car becomes 4wd is controlled by the haldex controller, alot of people fit uprated haldex controllers to make this switch to 4wd come in sooner thus improving traction off the line and handling.
where is this controller fit to? where is it attached?
It attatches to the haldex diff mate underneath the rear of the car between the two rear wheels
Hmmm, i have anther issue and i wonder if it is related t this one. please follow the convo/discussion that i started called sound of someting electronic under the back tyre. i wonder if the mechanisim tat you speak of could be malfunctioning, causeing the battry ware.

look over the discussion and tell me what you think.
I had a look at that thread mate it wont be the haldex controller. Which side of the car is the noise coming from?

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