Car broken in to


Registered User
Sep 18, 2006
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Got up this morning to find my car had been broken in to and ransacked, other than me leaving the doors unlocked is there anyother whay they could of got in with damaging the car i.e. lock picked etc

Took my Ipod and afew bits and bobs.

Possibly managed to copy your remote code? Or taken your key then put it back in the house(although i admit this is very unlikely as the car itself wasnt stolen)
I have read in the past that it was possible to use the wind the windows down with the doorkey function with a large flat blade screwdriver of some sort. This was mainly done on mk4 Golfs IIRC where the thief could get in the car with literally no damage at all, not sure if it applies to Audi A3/S3's as they are basically the same...
Well if it was the window nice of them to put it up again. I did check it was locked last night when I got home at 8.30 so i'm at a loss how they got in.
My next door neighbour had her MK4 golf broken into without any damage to locks. The police said they obtained the remote code.

They stripped her entire interior. Her husband gets up very early and disturbed them as the wheels were next. She said she was followed home by some dodgy guys the week before.
A mate of mine at work is a mechanic. He managed to leave his key in the boot of his 3door a3 tdi while workin on it and it managed too self lock. He said he was able to get into the car.. no damage what so ever via the rear window in a matter of a few minutes. Not 100% how he did it but I will find out 2nite.
I've a fair idea how to do this too, i wouldnt post it up tho daz
Aky said:
Lets not broadcast how its done!!!!

I've locked the keys in mine before thanks to the ****** Clifford alarm. A locksmith came along and showed me how to get in. Surprisingly easy and it didn't take long.

But agreed, I'd rather everyone not know TBH.
There not the hardest of cars, and most cars with pop open windows are quite.. I think the S3 is the same as the Mk4 golfs, i.e the wind down window trick
Well if thats the case I'm going to turn that function off.............tho I suspect if they want to get into your car they would just smash a window then. Ooooh, the quandry.

Sorry to hear about your motor.

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