Interesting article on EV's, but no real surprise.

Charlie Farley

Chilling out.
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Jun 13, 2014
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Saw this article today and makes the whole shift to EV's just that bit more flawed.
Add that to the pollution caused by battery manufacturing for EV's , not really an ideal future for any of us.

It's a very bad thought out idea & as you say the manufacturing of batteries not only employs a slave workforce it is very toxic to us all & the planet, it's no better than combustion tbh & where is all this electricity coming from, there's absolutely no way in hell by 2030 we'll have enough chargers & most importantly capacity to charge.
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Agreed, but sadly for the human race as we know it , its to late. To start raving about EV's etc are our savior, it is rubbish.
There is no going back now to redress the damage done to our environment, which is our own doing, no solution that allows us all to carry on as if nothing has happened.
Our whole lives revolve around what we have now, take it away, and we cant deal with the consequences.
Things we all take for granted every minute of our lives are interconnected.

I'm not an eco worrier and like everyone else, I dont enjoy the prospect of going backward, but it will happen and sooner than most of us would like to admit.

Like it or not, there needs to be a drastic, and i mean serious reduction in human population across the whole planet , we just can't carry on the way we are draining and polluting our environment to sustain our ever-increasing populations and lifestyles.

Considering as humans we are allegedly the most advanced and intelligent life forms on planet Earth, we certainly have a real ability to destroy it and ourselves.
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That's it, population is unsustainable, check India for example, I personally have an affiliation with, but that country has so many poor people living on next to nothing yet, it's now the most populated country how on earth do they think it's common sensed or logical to not make an effort to control this, it's insanity.

It's not communistic, it's just sensible & china wasn't such a bad idea afterall, 1 child, maybe 2 per family, not anymore, free for all there, but you have utter feckwits having 20 kids, I mean wtf is wrong with people, get a job for a start that'll cut down that number.
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Exactly, but maybe that's the way it was meant to be, humans will ultimately destroy themselves by their own actions and superior intelligence, well lack of that bit.
There is only one outcome and can only be one outcome, and nobody wants to admit it, things just carry on but it cant.
If the human race was wiped out tomorrow, just like when the dinosaurs were , planet Earth would recover for the better, and maybe that's the answer, total enhilation of mankind, a total hard reset , a fresh start.
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When you have people that think leaders like biden are a good thing, this world will continue to slide.

Have you seen how bad he has become, leader of the free world my ***, he's making it worse by the day.
I'm not into politics, nor am I of a religious nature, I don't believe in God, but I do take note of what's happening around me, whats happening in my environment and its not good and no supreme being looking down on us or faith is ever going to save us, if that was the case he'd have helped out by now.
I may not be old, but over the last 60 years of my life I've noticed things have changed for the worse, below the surface of everyday life its a mess out there, wether you are stinking rich or penniless the world is just the same under the surface of daily life.

If one wishes to have faith and believe in a God, one that is watching over us all and will save us, then thats fine , just dont force it on me as it doesn't wash.
The only person in control of us, is ourselves, and look at the mess we've ended up in now.

Everyone scrabbling to find ways to save energy, reduce pollution, reduce starvation etc, but know one is trying reduce our global population explosion.
Ev's etc are just a way to pacify people , same as recycling, it doesn't work as so much cant be recycled and the stuff that cant ends up being dumped on an island in the middle of an ocean, how is that recycling, it's not but it's out of mind and out of sight.
I'm just a guilty as the next person for my part in destroying our environment, I use an ICE , I use electrical products, wear man-made clothing etc, pretty well everything in my life will be unfriendly to the environment and our planet to a more or lesser degree.
On the plus side, and it is only a minimal plus side, i only have one child, i don't do air travel or sea travel, no longer do long trips in the car and don't buy all the latest tech for indoor, so I can say I'm helping just a bit, it's only a small bit though, but sadly progress controls our daily life and as much as I'd like to be more user friendly to our planet, I can't, daily life just won't work otherwise and that is the harse reality of the situation, theres no going back for anyone.