57 A3 dsg hops into 1st gear and reverse


New Member
Apr 22, 2022
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Hi All, I recently bought an A3 (57 plate) dsg (6 speed) and have an issue where the car hops (sometimes violent judder) whilst in D from standstill. The same happens when I try to reverse.
The other strange thing is when the engine is cold all is smooth with no issues, as soon as a the car warms up the hopping happens.

I've done an oil and filter change, have done a diagnostics and no faults show...I'm trying a gearbox remap tomorrow and really hoping that it might solve this issue.

Has anyone experienced the same? If so, how did you solve it?

Many thanks
Mine does this. As if the clutch is let out too quickly. I’ve got used to it now and just take my time applying the throttle. After 4 years I don’t really notice it now.
Mine does exactly the same thing as well. I've become pretty good at mitigating the issue but I still get the judder sometimes.

It's all about timing, with mine is a matter of waiting for the auto creep and then slowly applying throttle. That way taking off is very smooth most of the time.

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Mine does exactly the same thing as well. I've become pretty good at mitigating the issue but I still get the judder sometimes.

It's all about timing, with mine is a matter of waiting for the auto creep and then slowly applying throttle. That way taking off is very smooth most of the time.

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I know what you mean...sometimes it works but then other times the traffic doesn't allow that slow build up.

Out of interest, have you tried to get it fixed?
Well I've read about this"issue" quite a lot at first, to realize it's not really considered an issue.

I tried a unitronic stage 1 DSG tune and it didn't really make a difference. Also tried the DSG adaptation procedure and didn't change a thing either.

Never had faults and the car was pretty flawless transmission wise aide from that. All the worries I had after buying the car regarding the dsg all went into the "gearbox intricacies" category and I've simply learnt to accept it as such.

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Snap. Done a few adaptations, oil/filter change. It is what it is and I live with it.

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