Audi A3 8P door won’t open from inside or outside


New Member
Dec 23, 2021
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Yesterday I got new problem on my 8P. Rear passenger door can’t be opened from outside anymore and I can’t open it from the inside as well because child safety thing is on. So right now I can’t open the door from neither side. Does anyone have any idea how to get it open? Or what could have caused this?
Thank you
You'd have to get the door card of unfortunately, no other way.
You might be lucky with what I call the bang trick. Basically you need two people one to work the unlock button on the drivers door and another to try the handle and bang the door by the actual door latch. Ball up your fist and hit the door at the latch area while someone is repeatedly pressing the unlock button. If you’re lucky the door will open after a few goes. However have a replacement latch ready to fit as once that door opens you should replace the latch to avoid it happening again.

Also if the door does open please don’t think it’s fixed you just got lucky and are able to fix it properly.

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As already said , you need a replacement door lock.
Once they start playing up, you need to replace the lock unit ASAP as when the door is shut and won’t open , the only way to open it is to destroy the inner trim panel to get at the release mechanism…..
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