just got the magic letter...another speed camara! F#ck!

how many points you got??

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Jeez you must all drive like Miss Daisy!!

No option for 13..............:think:
Yes i even had to attend court, which was most embarassing.........however i had very good solicitor!! :icon_thumright:
i have 9 , 3 for not registering a car in another persons name , and it was involved in a hit and run , 3 for being parked on zig zagz , and 3 for jumping a red light , 6 come of in october though
nick-barnes07 said:
i thought 12 was a ban , how u got 13

Had 9 couldnt help myself got caught again which means you go to court.........had a good solicitor who told them what a good girl i was and they let me off with ban but gave me 4 points and £180 quid fine!!
0 lol!! touch wood its early days moving froma 1400 leon to the t sport a3 a lot more fun and a lot more petrol one mite add.....:D
Katy_S3 said:
Had 9 couldnt help myself got caught again which means you go to court.........had a good solicitor who told them what a good girl i was and they let me off with ban but gave me 4 points and £180 quid fine!!

and then you brought a s3 lol

think you need to buy a road angel
I have 3 for speeding past a speeed camera i go past everyday to work!!!! Oh and I was in a 1.6 escort estate not the S3 :wtf:
None for 10 years, then 6 points in one go in February of this year. :sadlike:

@Katy, I was just wondering, how does 13 points effect your insurance premium, and whats the response of the person taking your details down?
;) i've got none and been driving 11 years....but don't be fooled, i've been flashed many times at silly speeds but nothing ever come through...even had a police chase recently! and got away
i did have 3 points, from a long time ago in a citroen AX GT lol, but i just changed adress, and it came back blank!!!!! So i guess they are spent
Slick S3 said:
;) even had a police chase recently! and got away

ive theyve seen you speeding and they catch you, your in the **** anyway.....

if you KNOW you can get away, and they wont get close enough to take your plates, then why the hell not give it a shot?

good man.

0 points for me still, wont turn the key unless my road angel is plugged in first.

that said, having a camera/laser detector is still not a licence to speed..... its all about observation, ive seen SO many people pulled over my the undercover VRS cars around here..... i wont ever overtake an octavia unless its got a wife and kids in it.....
3 points
on the way back from GTI summer fest 05 and was racing a Z3 by northampton doing 120 in my VR6 but was caught on my doorstep doing 62 in a 50!!
Prawn said:
ive theyve seen you speeding and they catch you, your in the **** anyway.....

if you KNOW you can get away, and they wont get close enough to take your plates, then why the hell not give it a shot?

good man.
What a stupid attitude! Its this kind of sh*te that puts the rest of us in danger! What happens if someone, while driving like a tw*t to get away from the police, has an accident and hurts or, god forbid, kills someone? They'd be in far, far less **** if they just pulled over accepted what was coming and therefore not recklessly endanger other peoples lives simply because they didn't want a few points and a fine!

There is absolutely, totally and utterly no way of "knowing" you can get away!

Prawn said:
I wont ever overtake an octavia unless its got a wife and kids in it
There's a black one that prowls up and down the A50 in Stoke/Longton. Saw it tonight again, there had been an accident in/near the Meir tunnel and it was stopping traffic from joining the A50.
Shades said:
There is absolutely, totally and utterly no way of "knowing" you can get away!

sorry if my post came across as very 'boy racer'

but i believe in SOME situations, it is worth it.....

for example, comming home one night, around 1am, in my hillclimb preped mini, near my home in cornwall, i came around a corner, doing around 75mph in a 60 zone, and i cut across the white line to smooth out the bend (obviously i could see round the bend, and wasnt doing anything dangerous)

whilst i was straddled across the white line, a police car came round the next corner the other way, and saw me going quite fast, straddling the white line.

as we passed, i looked in my mirror, to see his brake lights and sirens come on, there was a turning point just after the corner he was approaching.

at this point, i was doing around 80mph, whilst he was still doing roughly 40 in the OTHER direction.

i knew the roads very well, knew the police car to be a standard 1.6 focus, and knew my mini to be almost untouchable locally along said roads, when driven well.

by the time he had turned around, i would have been a good 1/2 a mile ahead, with a large 3 way junction approaching, all exits going into forrest/high sided hedge row roads, so obviously if i got down one of them before he reached the junction, i wouldnt be found.

i made the split decision to go for it, shifted down to 3rd, and shot down the smallest of the 3 roads, driving briskly, but not stupidly. i got back to my house, teared into the drive, and manged to wedge the mini behind my mums car, before running inside.

5 minutes later the policeman knocked on our door, he had recognisd the car to be my highly tunned mini, and knew where we lived (its a small village in cornwal-everyone knows everyone)

when he asked what i had been doing all evening, i told him id been watching TV. there was nothing he could do, so he just left.

the end.

im not saying that a high speed blue light chase involving silly manouvers around a crowded city is ever going to be wise, and looking back, i doubt he could have done anything at all having not been able to record my speed at all, but i didnt want to risk it, and it was quite clear at the time that i could get home unseen.

if speeding fines were really issued for saftey reasons, there wouldnt be nearly as many of them given out at all. everyone deserves a chance to explain themselves, sadly, the Law doesnt give us that chance....

lets face it, everyone had driven stupidly at times, and if you THOUGHT there was a chance you could easily get away with a speeding ticket, you would, wouldnt you?

this was a few years ago now, i dont actually feel the need to drive the audi as fast as the mini, even though its quicker in a straight line.
There's no option for "none" because no ones interested in what people haven't got.

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