black plastic coming off switches


Registered User
Jul 26, 2006
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sydney aus
i've got a 2002 s3 , and I know australia is generally warmer than the uk, but the plastic covering on all the switch gear ( radio knobs, light switch etc) is coming off. has this happened to anyone else ?
not too impressed
if its under warranty take it to a dealer... they will change the buttons for you.
yeah, mine is a little bit like this, i think the women that had it before me like to press the buttons with her nails! My car isnt under warranty, so i can imagine audi will probably charge stupid amounts for a few wee buttons, the volume up on the steering wheel is the worst.
i know it sounds silly, but i've permanent markered in some bits of black missing on my radio buttons. Looks absolutely fine, apart from when its dark and the light shows through a bit. Hides it unless you're specifically looking anyway.
i've done the same- it's still a bit hopeless though for a car that costs so much to have such shoody switches etc
I had to use some careful skills around the Forward/back arrow buttons on the CD player I can tell you.
paul_brad said:
i know it sounds silly, but i've permanent markered in some bits of black missing on my radio buttons. Looks absolutely fine, apart from when its dark and the light shows through a bit. Hides it unless you're specifically looking anyway.

it's the + & - bittons on CC that got that on mine
The woman who owned my car before me seemed to use her nails to push things too, you can even see slight scratch marks where she's been dragging her nails on the arm rest in the door while waiting in traffic I presume! Tsk!!
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