can I cancel?


Registered User
May 7, 2007
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Hi all,

I ordered my new S3 in middle May for Sept Delivery and paid my 1000 pound deposit - car not yet got a build date as far as I know.

Now I am tempted away to the dark side for a 07 BMW 335i coupe for the same money (used).

Would anyone know the implications of canceling my s3 now - would I just loose my deposit or would I have to pay more.

Love the s3 (new and old) but everyone complaining I have been driving one for last 7 years and the 335i engine seems lovely with the coupe shape the only one in that range that looks OK.

Still not decided for sure but test driving the coupe today.

Thanks loads
id get a bmw 335d if i were you - i'd have one of them over an S3 any day of the week!

I doubt you will get your deposit back - what you will find is they will make a note of it and should you buy another audi product from them in the future they will deduct this from the price. This is the info i was given when i ordered my first A3 - i asked them the question - what if i wanted to cancel?
Id be tempted by the BM to , however 1k a lot to lose.
I'll admit that Bangle's criminal damage to BMW styling has been toned down in the 3-series to the point where I reckon the coupe is now quite a good looking car, but for me the bland interior styling would stop me from ever buying one.
Would anyone know the implications of canceling my s3 now - would I just loose my deposit or would I have to pay more.

You certainly shouldn't lose more than your deposit because they haven't started to build it yet. If you feel they have been unreasonably slow in scheduling the build, you could argue that they should refund the deposit - particularly if they gave you some sort of undertaking eg 'we'll let you know the build date within the next fortnight' and didn't keep to it.
I can't understand why anyone pays a deposit, I didn't pay a penny for a whole month after I took delivery,
what and audis arn't??? any make/model of car can be driven by scallywags???? thats not just limited to bmw's! look at the people on here who have crashed their car through halfords so to speak!!!

I would always buy a car cos i liked it not cos of who else was driving it that is irrelevant to me.
thanks loads everyone for the responses - I have just come back from the test drive and ended up buying it - for pick up next weekend.

From what I felt on the tests - if you are blasting around twisty roads the S3 will beat the BMW and be more fun. For other types of driving the BMW is great.

I wonder how I am going to live with the much lower quality of the Interior and the image of owning a 3 series ( :puke2:) - but it did not feel so bad when driving it.

It was funny how people looked so surprised when I would let them out of junctions!

Will speak to Audi on monday about cancelling - but I am pretty sure I will be back to Audi at somestage in the future.

Cheers loads guys and enjoy whatever it is that you have!

Will speak to Audi on monday about cancelling - but I am pretty sure I will be back to Audi at somestage in the future.
If you are hoping to get your deposit back by arguing that they have let you down, I would not tell them that you have bought something else already! Anyway enjoy your new wheels!
I wouldnt bother with the 335i, terrible to drive in on anything other than bone dry roads, hasnt got proper seats in the back, interiour is dated and not as good as the Audi's and the boots a bit on the small side, the front of the car has very cheap grills made out of the sort of stuff you would mend a chicken shed with too....

Yeah, its got a cracking engine, but the rest of the package isnt as good...
Could you not keep the order for your S3 and sell it to someone else? Maybe even make money on it for someone that doesn't fancy the wait?

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