Rain when opening passenger door?!!


Registered User
Feb 17, 2007
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Funnily enough, I was reading the 8L section yesterday about a design fault, letting water in when door is opened. Dunno if this will happen again but it did just that when SWMBO got in the passenger side today. Big splash of water from the roof landed on the side of the seat!
Have any of you experienced this?
Yes. I think it's a 'Design Feature' on all A3s. It's happened to a degree on all 6 of my A3s although less on the two 8Ps than on the previous 8Ls. Tends to be a little worse if the cars just be waxed as the water runs off easier!
h5djr said:
Tends to be a little worse if the cars just be waxed as the water runs off easier!

Ahhhhhhhh! that figures! was on a hill and i'd waxed it last week! Why haven't they improved things on the 8P!!??
....yep....happended to me too, about a week after waxing the car....
Also happens when you lift the tailgate too. The hound even knows which way to duck if he wants to avoid the drips as the tailgate rises!!
i don't realy find this a prob on the front doors so much (although i won't open the windows if the car is wet) but i find the boot more annoying as water gets trapped in the little gap at the edge of the window then soaks the boot, the parcel shelf and you every time you open it. Now thats a design fault and a half.
Yes water does come off the tailgate as well, but I've only ever found it goes into the drainage area outside the rubber surround. I never had water get into the boot with any of my 5 3-doors or my current sportback.
Water does get into the boot on the Sportback as well.
Also drops onto both the driver's and passenger's seat.
You have to be careful to clear snow off the 'shut line' of the driver's door too,otherwise you end up with it dumped all over the seat.
I've never had water get into the boot and I use every day, same as h5djr it always runs down the drainage channel - almost always the left one - so maybe it can be adjusted. I actually thought it was really clever that they managed to get the water to fall in the right place evertime; maybe I'm just lucky.

Can be a problem with doors, but I think this is true for most cars with this type of door. I'm guessing you'd need pillar-less style to avoid.
I've had this on my 8P where water drips in fron opening door.

Also if you washer your front screen and have your O/S/F window down all the water runs straight into the car! Great if you want to smell of screen wash.
My S3 does this on both doors and the tail gate...but then my mates A4 avant does it on the front doors too...