Garage using car for personal trips? Wrong or what???


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Jan 22, 2015
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So my car has been in the garage this week to get the alloy refurb which they damaged during the last repair. Long story short the subcontracted the job to an alloy wheel specialist who have done a poop job.
But after looking at the dashcam footage the guy used my car to take himself home at lunch time one of the days they had the car.

Does anyone think this is acceptable in any way??? Am I being too pedantic?

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Unacceptable in my book. What would of happened if he crashed it? You paid for a repair not for some tw@t to use? Who's paying the fuel?

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I'd be livid if they used it for anything else other than what is needed.
Is that not basically taking without consent?
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Exactly how I feel. I can understand test drives etc if the car was in for repairs but blatantly using a customers car to go home In is absolutely out of order.
I bet it happens a lot though especially with nice motors. Dashcams have picked up a lot of this kind of thing and it needs to stop

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So my car has been in the garage this week to get the alloy refurb which they damaged during the last repair. Long story short the subcontracted the job to an alloy wheel specialist who have done a poop job.
But after looking at the dashcam footage the guy used my car to take himself home at lunch time one of the days they had the car.

Does anyone think this is acceptable in any way??? Am I being too pedantic?

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I'd be into the garage to kick up f!!k. :gun2::gun2::gun2:

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Waiting for the branch manager to call me Tuesday when he is back from holiday

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I'm guessing you've saved the footage!

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Hell yeah
It's been transferred to my phone and watched it over and over.
Although it doesn't show speed, you can see the person overtaking other cars on a 40 mph duel carriageway section of road quite swiftly

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Bit different but when I traded in a car once with a main dealer I got a speeding fine a month later. One of the technicians took it out for lunch. Had to send proof it was no longer mine.

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Sounds familiar , this behavior is rife , warranty work just to some roof rails resulting in a scraped front wheel , no need to f'in test drive the car...

The care you get is no different to a back street garage .

Service manager never disputed responsibility and a satisfactory repair was made .
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I think this probably happens extremely often.

My car went on a 8/9 mile trip when it went in for its service. That's quite a distance really, I'd love to know where they went.

When I was on work experience with BMW over a decade ago the technician would just use whatever car was around for us to pop into town to get lunch or whatever.
Finish working on a car, take it into town before returning and getting in the next one.

I suppose after a service a short trip can't do any harm really. Albeit the nice cars were drove at some serious speed (from cold obviously).
However for a alloy refurb, yeah.... Don't see why they would need to. But not surprised at all that they did.
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Hell yeah
It's been transferred to my phone and watched it over and over.
Although it doesn't show speed, you can see the person overtaking other cars on a 40 mph duel carriageway section of road quite swiftly

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Totally unacceptable. Only time this should happen is when testing a specific fault and only for a reasonable distance but in your case it was effectively joy riding. I’d go ballistic at the dealer and demand action. Even if he didn’t break any laws, that’s irrelevant as he didn’t have your permission. Raidens example would thankfully be fairly easy to prove, yours less so. Don’t hold back when they call you! Get the repair free of charge.
Good luck

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The repair was free in the first place as under the used warranty I got with the car.
I'm going to push them to replace the wheel with a new one.

See what's happens

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I don't think it's acceptable but as said this kind of behavior is common, with the main garage I use the bloke always seems to come in and go home in a customer car and one of my friends works for a repair place and takes whatever's closest to the front when going on lunch and sometimes home, I get why and would be tempted myself but it's not admirable behaviour by any means. Obviously any damage/speeding is completely unacceptable!
Bloke in the unit next to mine does body work, uses anything with fuel in to go home every night
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No need to road test the car so not on at all.
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