About to do my first VCDS coding - Is there a back up procedure?


Registered User
Jan 22, 2017
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Hi all
Might sound like a stupid question, but I don't want to brick anything.

I can not find much information on backing up through Ross Tech, is there a simple way to back up settings before changing anything.

This is the coding I have found for enabling the display to show the packing sensors:

Select byte 2
Set bit 0 from 0 to 1
Save this value
INFO: First the entry of the login code / access authorization is necessary, this code is: "71679"

I want to do a few other changes as well, but I am looking to just check I know how everything works first.

From experience of making coding changes and not wanting to mess anything up on cars not of my own.

  1. first run full auto scan and save as a word file. This is your first backup file.
  2. take screen shots as you go of each change, I take one of the long coding or adaptions listed as they were before and after changes.
  3. Take screen shots once new codes accepted.
enjoy your newly customised settings.
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