S3 Drivers side headlight dipping towards ground


Resident Eejit
Aug 17, 2015
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The drivers side headlight on my S3 dips to the ground intermittently. Sometimes it doesn't happen and sometimes it does. turning the car and lights off, locking it and unlocking it and starting it up again causes the headlight to climb back up to its proper position but it can dip down again after a few seconds or minutes. Sometimes it stays put for hours on end and doesn't dip. I've tried scanning it with VCDS for fault codes when its not dipped and when its dipped and nothing shows. No blown bulb lights on the dash either. I had them aligned recently and followed the procedure for it with VCDS. The only thing I can think of is that the drivers side bulb is going pink so I think its on the way out. Would that cause it?
More than likely your auto adjustment motor is on its way out.
Can they be swapped between drivers and passengers side so I can test?
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