A greta thread people nad full of good advice. However looking at the dates and the links can I ask for an update?

I have just bought a 2006 car with original satnav disc. Looking to get the latest disc and thought it would be easy - it isnt.

I reckoned it would just be a new disc and drive away1 All this talk of software updates etc has lost me - I know a luddite!!!

Any help to get the latest maps and an easy software update would be appreciated and renumeration as required is a given!

Many thanks in advance.
I would hang on the 2010 disc will be out in a couple of months with new maps & firmware updates
Thanks Royjk
Dont know if I can afford the new 2010 as I have just got this and already planned some upgrades.

May just see if I can get a recent map/upgrade and wait until later in 2010 for a better disk

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