Facelift Audi S3 Insurance Sky Rocketed, 19 Year old

Indeed, front assist is part and parcel of ACC on the A3 platform. Certainly on the PFL at least.

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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news dude but at 19, already in a hotter car than most people your age would be able to insure, having a bump has given the insurance companies Carte Blanche to load your premiums through the roof. The facts are that a young guy in a hot hatch and with less than two years behind the wheel has "lost concentration" and shunted another car. Your risk is now viewed in a similar group to making Gary Glitter a brownies leader...
Reactions: KenL, azibux1, DrMal and 2 others

That's a seriously good idea, would that contribute to my no claims bonus or not?
Reactions: Ormesome
Well said Alex, and it's also a Fraud under both the Fraud Act and Section 174(5) of the Road Traffic Act. AND it will stick.
Reactions: S3Alex
Well said Alex, and it's also a Fraud under both the Fraud Act and Section 174(5) of the Road Traffic Act. AND it will stick.

Likewise also,well said.

It's hard to understand why anyone would think they can still get away with this sort of thing.
Reactions: batch

I'm a service advisor at Volkswagen and have worked very hard since the age of 16. My family have not given me a single penny to pay for any of my cars and never will. Although I'm fortunate enough to have them be able to lend me the money if I needed to borrow it. I borrowed £8000 when I left college to pay for my first car and I have paid every penny back. Thanks
Reactions: Soulboy, TDI-line and TYb
can i ask why it has be a New S3, im not knocking it one bit at 19 its amazing but i guess at that age all i had was dreams of something like that. Trouble is at 41 i sound like a old man now. I had a renualt 5 turbo and i paid just over 2.5k at 18 and although i did it i wouldnt again i blew the turbo on it and just didnt have the money to look after it properly.
How about those black boxes that insurance firms fit, still if you have one of those you might as well get a 1 litre twingo as they have eyes on you. but i you really want the s3 then might bring it down. Id get a older car but something still tasty then in a couple of years have another look at what the s3 would be then. I dont want to knock anyones dreams but 4.5k on insurance must be mental and if you do have a prang whether your fault or not your going to be paying for that for years, hey your 19 these things happen and the s3 is a car that you cant help but put your foot down
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Reactions: batch
I wish to apologise. Sorry if I offended you in any way. My post was meant in jest.

It was just the jealousy of an old man. Though as an 'old married man' my insurance quote is less than 1/10th of your quote. As an old man I ruled out an S3 and Golf R and settled on an Mk7.5 GTI Performance. Though I am coming from a Mk6 GTD. So I will notice a bigger improvement than you would.

I sincerely hope you enjoy your new car. (*** of course your will! So would I!)
Reactions: TDI-line
Indeed, front assist is part and parcel of ACC on the A3 platform. Certainly on the PFL at least.
It is not often that I am surprised by a response. I have just been outside reading the manual in my wife's A3. Our A3 has ACC and I did not realise that it included pre sense!

I have seen it activate a few times when my wife was driving. However, it has never activated when I was driving. Does that mean men are better drivers?

Again, this post is meant in jest. I'm not apologising again!
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Reactions: EmmaJ, TDI-line, Djs3saloon and 1 other person
That's a seriously good idea, would that contribute to my no claims bonus or not?

Doubtfull. But not sure as iv never done it. As I mentioned before, another chap mentioned about it, I didn't believe it was true and thought it was another type of fronting, I then did some research and it seems its legit and most websites mention a price reduction. Worth putting in all the details on money supermarket or another comparison website to check. I think you need to put it all in your dads name and then add another driver which is yourself, but then click the option to make yourself the main driver. Something like that anyway.

Like you I have ACC but I have never felt any "jolt" or suchlike to show that pre-sense has activated. And it's not something one can test to see if it is working is it? So has anybody out there had pre-sense activate and if so what actually happened within the car?

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I have it on my GTD.

It tends to activate if the car in front slows quicker than you and you haven't gone for the brake yet. Slowing in a queue of traffic approaching a roundabout is a good example. You expect the car in front to take a gap in the approaching traffic but doesn't.

You get a loud beep and a red graphic on the display, by the time you realise whats happening the car is already braking and your reflex reaction to hit the brakes adds to the decel. There are occasions reported where a metallic crisp bag blowing in front can trigger it but I've never had a false alarm. I cant say if its saved me from rear ending someone but it certainly wakes you up and reminds you to pay a little more attention. As written above it does have a positive effect on insurance groups. The MK7 Gti is 5, maybe 6 insurance groups lower than the MK6 Gti
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Reactions: glospete

There are occasions reported where a metallic crisp bag blowing in front can trigger it

It doesn't pick up pedestrians so you sure it wasn't Walkers.

Thanks for the info Chris43.
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I'm sure that some insurance companies will give you a curfew, eg the car can't be driven between 10pm and 6am. That might bring the cost down a little.

However, I think your best bet would be to take a hit on the £500 deposit and cancel the S3.

Another 40+ old miserable git giving advice: save that insurance money - use it to travel, buy a house or even put towards an S3 in 12 months or so when you have earned 1 year NCD.
Reactions: TDI-line
Just on a tangent about "fronting".
I bought a VW UP as a family run around . My 19 year old daughter is a named driver , and my wife the main driver. This is true as my daughter is away at uni and my wife uses it as the shopping car ( protects my S3 from car park dents). About twice a year my daughter will do a trip back to uni in the car for a couple of days to move stuff . So we are genuine , but wonder how I could prove that if she had and accident and then accused of Fronting ?
Reactions: Ormesome and TDI-line

I probably sounded a little bit more buthurt than I actually was, don't worry about it. I just didn't want to be associated with 'those' people lmao
I would strongly suggest investing your money into property or other lucrative ventures and going for perhaps a slightly less powerful/desirable car but still one you would enjoy owning. From a personal standpoint cars depreciate way too much and being the shrewd businessman I am I just can't justify it.

Either way, going by your situation I'd consider a pre-FL S3 and having your parents are additional drivers or just waiting a few years. Good luck!
Property certainly has done very well since the 2008/9 dip. However, it appears to be dipping again. Lets hope it's just a dip and not a house price crash. I wouldn't be advising anyone to buy property right now considering the upside vs downside risks. Maybe in a year or two.

I was just commenting on another forum that the facelift Golf R is 5 insurance groups higher (34-39) than the pre-facelift. Parkers website indicates that the S3 has increased from 36 to 39. That still would not explain the big rise in premiums for the OP.

I think that depends where you are....

Ironically a lot of economists are predicting that the massive increase in finance on cars is going to cause the next crash.....
Reactions: Ormesome and glospete
Ironically a lot of economists are predicting that the massive increase in finance on cars is going to cause the next crash.....
... nicely kept on topic (sort of). I appears likely that the boom in car finance deals was caused by PPI payments funding the deposits. That has brought forward a lot of demand for new cars. Now PPI is coming to an end, where is the excess demand going to come from for new cars?

You talk of the 'next crash' and you don't think it will effect all leveraged asset classes in all areas? Movie announcer voice, "Credit crunch, the sequel - it's back, and this time, it won't be printed over!" The OP is probably too young to remember the banking crisis and credit crunch of 2008/9.

... perhaps we should keep this discussion for the financial forums.
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Reactions: DrEskimo

Whats a credit crunch? -Joking
Reactions: Daz Auto

Ha yea...I'll leave it at thinking there's a bloke that does the trailer narration at Wall Street that announces everything...

Sorry OP...as you were

Think you should be fine. Im sure it would be really easy to prove that your daughter only borrowed it. If you had to prove something then little things like your daughters address when she's at Uni being different to yours, Uni start and finish dates proving the need for her to borrow the car. Even big aspects like CCTV showing your wife commute, or her working hours will provide info should it get nasty. I think the OP would seriously get done with fronting if he was in a similar situation as from what we know the finance will be in his name and he will be living at home with his parents, so it all adds up to be a bit of a weird situation should he put his mum or dad as main driver, whereas yours seem pretty legit. Best to call up your insurance, i doubt they will make a deal out of it and should be helpful.

I read that loans have been taken out to pay deposits for PCP deals and that if a recession should happen or budgets are stretched then families are not going to be able to meet the PCP demands and also the loan repayments of the deposit. If you look at things like this then it is almost exactly the way the recession happened in 2008, obviously substitute mortgage with vehicles! It makes sense to me, always makes me wonder how people can afford an S3 but work at Tesco as a trolley assistant...(generalising). Also given that some of the most popular threads on this forum are titled along the lines of "how can i get my monthly repayments lower" seems to point to people overstretching themselves.
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You could always ask for your deposit back from ordering the s3, chances are you will get it back.
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