Ipswich killer caught and here is his myspace profile!

That's my dad!!!!!! :scared2:

Not really.............
is that really him! what a wierdo!

Edit: just seen BBC new website, it is him! where you find his myspace profile from?
I cant see it being him ( your have to watch the news first ) his either trying to be very cleaver and his f--ed up or his just trying to look for attention, its the same bloke that appeared in the sunday papers saying that he thought he was going to get arrested for the crimes ?
yeah i know as have been watching news, the bbc have recordings of him talking to them, if you hear the tapes his either trying to be clever or his a loon, his been arrested but unless its changed not charged
He reminds me of Buffalo Bill from Silence of the lambs
jimmi said:

let me help out...

is the desired effect you wanted :)
neversaydie said:
no worries - simply use the opening
tags. the url to the image simply goes between the tags. ;)

or the insert picture icon

i was being lazy....it is nearly bed time and beers have been had :cool:
Cannot believe how many press vehicles there are down here at moment!!!!
Anything with a blue light on it is followed by 2 vans with sat equipment on roof and reporter hanging out of the window, Bit of a circus.
Hope for all concerned they have the right guy bit of a worry if not....
neversaydie said:
let me help out...

is the desired effect you wanted :)


i dont think it is the right guy as the murder has been to clever in the way he has desposed of the bodies and evidence.......this guy is a nut job looking for the lime light
He looks like a right freak.

What's the score with his eyelids anyway?!?!?!?
He painted eyes to his eyelids, that site above is the same as his page but someone has pasted those pictures of the girls that he may have killed, i saw the site yesteday and those girls werent on it, he did have some crackers though as friends on the page
Onlyme said:
that site above is the same as his page but someone has pasted those pictures of the girls that he may have killed, i saw the site yesteday and those girls werent on it

Ha ha!!!

She's not very happy....

That'll teach her to be mates with a mug like that.
I bet his innocent those twats on that other site should leave her alone, She is rather hot though
OK well if it aint him.. then its got to be this guy..
:ohmy: :) :)

Photographic evedence and its in the Sun so you know its true...

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