Gone in sixty seconds


Registered User
Sep 29, 2016
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No longer an Audi owner as sadly some scumbags decided to break into my house in the early hours of yesterday morning, help themselves to my keys and drive away my cherished SQ5.

The police spotted the said thief's and gave chase, however they were unable to catch them as they sped away. This strangely gives me some solace and comfort knowing my bad boy had a proper run out. Mr PC who gave chase remarked, " that soon as he saw the S badge he knew he had no chance and that your car really moved." Loved that car.

Not holding much hope of seeing it again.

Anyway, posting this here to just remind all to take care, stay vigilante and stay safe. Oh and think about gap insurance, as we thankfully did at the time of purchase.

Thanks for listening.
sorry to hear that , at least you are ok .
I take it that the police car wasn't a bmw possibly just an astra of Hyundai , although that doesnt really matter in the big picture ...
Bianca,s sorry to hear this mate i trust you and your family are ok .
That's terrible news, hope you get things sorted out quickly. Everyday police cars couldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding, they'd no chance of catching it. Glad nobody was hurt during the break in.
Thank you, yes everyone is fine.

They clearly were after one thing, a laptop was next to the keys and that was left alone. I had always thought, and also read opinions here that in some ways its better to leave the keys out, rather than hidden, as the thought of them coming upstairs and asking for them would not be great...

They were spotted a few miles away from the house in convoy, with a stolen Merc. He said the faces didn't fit at 4am so he spun around and gave chase. They escaped on an A road. So Pinky, probably an astra or the like, yes

The liason officer said if the car is not found in the first six hours its unlikely to be found. In realty, once all the police paperwork is logged, the car is forgotten about and on they go to the next thing...

Scumbags know this and that's why I'm sure this kind of crime is on the rise....

Just coming to the realisation, stupidly after the event, ( first motor stolen,) to protect ones property and don't expect anyone else to do so, the police do not have the time nor the resources...

thank you for the comments, I suppose its only a car at the end of the day, and most importantly no one was hurt...
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Glad all your family are fine. As you say, GAP comes into its own it this situation. I'd not want the car back either. Upgrade you houses security (buy a big dog) and move on. Hopefully things will be sorted out quickly for you.
Wise and kind words Scotty, cheers.
Sad reading this. You work hard to buy a nice car and someone thinks it's acceptable to break into your house, take keys and help themselves to your car. It just infuriates me. As long as you and the family are ok that's the most important part. Cars can be replaced.
Reactions: Jaymo
Never a nice thing to happen to anybody, but glad to hear you are all ok.
Having your car stolen is a horrible experience and takes a while to get over.
Thx, yes Jake you are right. Feels like i am experiencing the sevens stages of grief, I am definately at the Anger stage.

This is compounded by having to drive the courtesy car to work, a Citroen Cactus
Reactions: Jake 61
A Cactus i would park that down the road.
Reactions: Jaymo and Jake 61
Lol, the kids love it, they think its made of lego
Really sorry to hear this

Re the Cactus at least you can play with the door bubbles !
Reactions: Jaymo
Nothing to worry about at the supermarket.
Reactions: Jaymo and Sandra

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