140 with the Mofo??

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You’re Dethpicable!!
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
London....Relocated to the Mid East
Hey guys, went on the motorway for a quick hop today and recently I installed the MOFO (from modshake). now before I could swear 5th gear would only go up to 125mph, today it took it to 140. I was well pleased, cause the car felt very stable at those speeds (after the arbs and bushes, first time I test it out on the motorway). Anyhow just wanted to ask what you guys get 5th up to roughly? just to compare so it ain't a pissin contest
:drag: <--always wanted to use this fella so here he is
whats a MOFO ?

i have an idea but i dont think its what i think it is !
looks pretty cool !
SyA3Turbo said:
So previously when you attempted to max out 5 gear did you run out of puff to get round to the higher revs meaning this new product gives extra power?

not sure by running out of puff. I mean that before mofo 5th gear up to 7000rpms would only do 125mph, after mofo 5th gear up to 7000rpms did 140. THERE MUST BE SOMEONE ELSE ON HERE WHO HAS THIS FITTED!!!:motz:
Def, same revs and different speed, it ain't happening, unless you changed the gearing on your gearbox... also, I've never had the need to max my speeds out in 4th, 5th or 6th gear(if it was possible) had 150 on the odo before though.
Ok, guys I think some of you are getting the wrong end of the stick slightly. I am by no means a mad driver and I usually drive around the speed limit espcially around the city. + have had a clean license since I was 17 no points nothing so I'm GOOD. lol

JOjo, I didn't say I had the "need" to max it out, it just happened. U know how it is, bmw floors it from the lights so I'm just crusing until I realise I'm doin 120somethin in 4th, it didn't feel like that (cause of the arbs and bushes) so I just wanted to see what 5th would do, I didn't neeeed to I just wanted to see.

Now I'm really confused (was I in 5th or 6th) how the hell did I get 140 in 5th then? I'm pretty sure it was 5th. It makes sense that speed shouldn't be different due to having the same gearing but how was I able to get that speed on that gear? don't mean to be a naggin girl I'm just confused what my car's doin and if it's ok or norm :beerchug:
it is imposable to go a extra 20mph with the same rpm

unless you've changed the dif ratio or gear sizes but im sure u would rember takin the gearbox to bits

u were in 6th
Before I had any mods on the S3 I had well over 130mph in fifth on an autobahn - took a while to get there. I didn't take it up 7000rpm in that gear at that speed, not sure I'd like that :(
Def.......sure you did not have a fault with your MAF before MOD?......... and a bit of a tail when you tested.......lol
Chris thank you for telling me that, it's reassured me big time now, I thought I might have something wrong with my gears :beerchug:

Rev-head, I did clean the MAF with Isopropanol, so it might have been dirty before, but I used the same MAF sensor, took it out of the old one and installed it in the new "slightly" bigger maf
OK it's time for another test, let's see what speed I can get outta my S3 in 5th gear at 7k revs lol, I prey my gearbox and new clutch will hold out lol... wish me luck. :racer:
bigger wheels would only give you like 3-5 mph neway! must av been in different gears! that sort of speed is best off on a rolling road or auto bahn not over here!! motorways are ****!!!!!!!!
Defratos said:
It was 140 the motorway mate, not a public road so it wasn't that bad. I bet you've tried 140 on the motorway. what's "squeaky bum time" lol sounds funny

Nah, not even on a motorway. A few years ago I did 130 in my Golf, that was scary enough. Rarely go over 100 these days. I have the S3 for acceleration not max speed.

http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Squeaky_bum_time I meant I'd be nearly sh***ing myself, ie squeaky bum time.
really guys, have a little more faith in ur S3, 130,140 is nothing for it, i was doing 150 tonite with a car full, pretty scary yeh, you gotta test it out tho, just so ya no!
monkeytrousers said:
Nah, not even on a motorway. A few years ago I did 130 in my Golf, that was scary enough. Rarely go over 100 these days. I have the S3 for acceleration not max speed.

http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Squeaky_bum_time I meant I'd be nearly sh***ing myself, ie squeaky bum time.

LOOOOL, love the explanation, :beerchug: cheers
I've had 150 on the clock & there was more to go. I didn't get any more as there was a roundabout coming over the horizon & my **** was giving it heavy winks! Not sure where I'd get in 5th but I try not to take it much over 6000RPM at all. That red bit means danger I think. :think:

Dean_20 said:
really guys, have a little more faith in ur S3, 130,140 is nothing for it, i was doing 150 tonite with a car full, pretty scary yeh, you gotta test it out tho, just so ya no!
F*&k doing that speed with 4 people in the car! I only do extreme stuff when I'm in the car myself.
Dean_20 said:
really guys, have a little more faith in ur S3, 130,140 is nothing for it, i was doing 150 tonite with a car full, pretty scary yeh, you gotta test it out tho, just so ya no!

If that's true, and frankly I doubt it, you obviously have no regard for your friends' lives.
I only ever drive REALLY fast when I'm on my own or if it's required - like when I was doing 115 on the way to get my dad to the hospital.

How I have seen the speedo read 155 on my S3 and the previous owner is sure he got it to 160 and he's not the bullshitting type. As long as the S3 is working ok I'd be happy sitting at 120 in it, it's just everyone else on the road that makes it dangerous which is why I rarely go that much over 100 anymore unless there is nobody on the road at all.

I think it's geared to do 110ish in 4th and 135 ish in 5th.
No I would never drive that fast with people in the car, I always drive like a loone when I'm alone, I just think if I get into a crash then atleast it'll be just me and no body else. I guess the general though here is that 140 is very achievable in 5th (as some of you have somewhat mentioned), so I guess the Mofo just helped me out a lil on top end pull. Doesn't anyone on this forum have a Mofo fitted to their car?
Defratos said:
No I would never drive that fast with people in the car, I always drive like a loone when I'm alone, I just think if I get into a crash then atleast it'll be just me and no body else. I guess the general though here is that 140 is very achievable in 5th (as some of you have somewhat mentioned), so I guess the Mofo just helped me out a lil on top end pull. Doesn't anyone on this forum have a Mofo fitted to their car?

How confident are you that your engine can meet the required fuelling at 7000rpm with the extra air-intake.

The advert for the MOFO says it will work within standard ECU parameters but also mentions remaping to give extra fueling/4 bar fpr.

I'd be very concerned about running lean in the conditions you describe.

And doing those sorts of speeds on a public road is dumb, as is discussing them on a public forum.
Tallpaul said:
How confident are you that your engine can meet the required fuelling at 7000rpm with the extra air-intake.

The advert for the MOFO says it will work within standard ECU parameters but also mentions remaping to give extra fueling/4 bar fpr.

I'd be very concerned about running lean in the conditions you describe.

And doing those sorts of speeds on a public road is dumb, as is discussing them on a public forum.

I have the .4 bar FPR installed. and some of you need to take a pill to chill out, this wasn't a ******* contest as mentioned from the start so stop having a go at me for doin a silly speed 140 is nothing
monkeytrousers said:
If that's true, and frankly I doubt it, you obviously have no regard for your friends' lives.

no im not the lying type, and there was still alot to go, iv heard these engines can hit over 160 if conditions are right. but yeh iv hit 150 by myself then lastnite with 3 other people in the car, daft oclock in the morning friends wanted me to even though i didnt because trying my hardest to look after this car. but dont think ill be going much over 100 nomore, just paid 17 k for a car and im only 20, want it to last!!
Defratos said:
I have the .4 bar FPR installed. and some of you need to take a pill to chill out, this wasn't a ******* contest as mentioned from the start so stop having a go at me for doin a silly speed 140 is nothing

Pitty the poor emergency services when they have to come and scrape you off the road then!!! That or the poor sod you crash into when you go over the central reservation into on coming traffic.
You Fool!!!
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