Shaming Bad Members: JM11EEE

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Registered User
Apr 11, 2016
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I had a Black Edition A3 Sportback until last year, so I get how nice it is to drive a performance car. There are times to drop the hammer down and there are times you need to slow your sh-t down. He had no regard for any other road users. There were families in cars that he was "trying to push out the way" and watching it was disgusting.

Driving through Cambridge on Sunday I watched one of your users JM11 drive a blue Audi S3 so recklessly on the M11, he was an embarrassment to other Audi drivers and other users on this forum. I watched him for a good 10-15 minutes and it was quite possibly the worst I've seen in all my years of driving.

JM11 tailgated several cars in the fastlane leaving little to no room for emergency breaking. Xenons are cool, I get it, but driving with his day running lights on to either look cool or more intimidating just makes you look like a tool.

I'm not expecting a response from JM11, but felt his actions were so bad, they needed sharing. They were driving on the M11 not Mad Max, and they need to have a serious think about themselves.
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I am quite saddened that you feel the need to join the forum to get this off your chest. Like many other things in life, there is a time and a place for naming and shaming, but I don't think this is it.
I don't condone breaking the law to this extent, but I also don't agree with putting somebody's number plate on the internet to get the point across.
We have the Police to attend to any concerns that we have and that would always be my first choice for anyone driving dangerously.
I think that the life of this thread may be short lived, but, it serves as a reminder that anyone who obviously has an ASN sticker on their car, should be aware of the consequences of putting the boot down and winding up Joe Public.
Reactions: Scottyg
There are loads of idiots out there, and had I had a black box cam in the car I would have sent footage to the police. I actually found another clip of him online, that someone else posted.

I appreciate your comments though mate. I Honestly feel it needed to be said - perhaps it might shock them into taking account for their actions, and perhaps a little drive safer.

A moody post on a forum is a lot less emotional than explaining to someone's family why their loved one(s) didn't make it home on a Sunday afternoon.
None of us like speeding, what this person has done is wrong, but putting up his number plate on a forum is not so clever either.
Reactions: voorhees
I've posted his username.... People post video footage of drivers with their plates all the time.

Speeding is one thing (we all drop the hammer down), reckless driving is another, tail gaiting cars with children in the back and forcing your way through a jam is just downright dangerous.
Do you know this person?
Are you sure you weren't hugging the middle lane coz that's bound to **** off tons of people.
no offence, but your story sounds one sided.

Sorry mate, no I was watching this FROM the left hand lane. Traffic was pretty busy in both of lanes. There was more than one car they forced passed.
maybe they were all ******* him off and he needed the gents.
you never know what's going on in his head.
we live in an information sensitive era and I don't really endorse
putting his details on this public forum will help resolve this issue.
Reactions: Scottyg
Think this needs closing. I'm guessing you are not an Audi owner? I don't condone what he has done but you don't know the back story.
He could have been rushing to hospital to see a loved one in an emergency?
He could have been rushing to see the birth of his child?
Lots of reasons. However, to join simply to do this is a little extreme and a little Big Brother.
Reactions: Arrkon, Chop., voorhees and 1 other person
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