Private Number Plate


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Dec 31, 2013
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Hi everyone, my partner has been wanting to buy me a private number plate for some time now but then thing is for my name 'Mujnu' I can only get an 11 reg number plate but my car is a 2006 reg so I'd have to buy it and keep until I get myself an 11+ reg car.

Now you might be thinking why is he posting this up, and that's because I'd like to know if anyone has any other suggestions in making my name on a number plate? M10 JNU is not there :/ I seen M77 JNU but I think that reads 'MIJNU'?

Thanks in advance everyone.
If you go on and search for "M1 JNU" and scroll to the bottom of the page, they give you their "easy view" grid.

So on the easy view grid if you go to M along the top and work your way down, it gives you all the available Mxx JNU combinations and a small preview of each.
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That's really helpful! Thanks Sayam. What does M18 JNU read?

Would you not think about having a reg with just "MUJ" at the end?

I don't like number plates that have random letters at the beginning lol I prefer plates that read something as a whole if you get what I mean
Yeah I get what your saying mate, I looked for ages for a plate , all stupidly expensive with my name in
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Such a ball ache! I might end up getting the 11 plate but the thing is it'd break my heart staring at it sitting in my room lol
I wouldn't like to spend good money on a piece of paper and a reg I can't put on my car! And then your stuck with a car newer than 2011 when you finally invest in one!
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Exactly!! Haha and I don't even know what the future holds, I can send £400 on a number plate then be broke as a joke and be rolling around in a T reg Micra
Hard name to be getting a plate for really! I struggled with mine because my names so long, had to deal with H8 CMY, first to letters irrelevant and the last bit Cammy
Yes I blame my parents! Lol I guess you know the struggle then lol H8 CMY doesn't look nor sound bad tbh
It was only £250 for my plate too, can't moan really, the plates I showed you above are only £250 too, and there shorter which was one of the main thing I wanted
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Yes, the 11 plate is £400! If the 11 plate was £250 I would have went ahead with it because tbh that plate does look clean
Yeah I would pay £250 to have a plate on my bedroom wall ;) you planning on getting a newer car?
Haha! Don't rub it in mate that's the thing, I'm not any time soon, probably in a few years time (save the insults )
don't think I would buy a plate that's got an age behind it, mines an 06 and I won't go any older than this, I just couldn't afford anything over £7000! Amount of money that gets thrown at cars is unreal, wish I had more to throw at mine
don't think I would buy a plate that's got an age behind it, mines an 06 and I won't go any older than this, I just couldn't afford anything over £7000! Amount of money that gets thrown at cars is unreal, wish I had more to throw at mine

The reason why I wouldn't mind too much getting an 11 plate is because in a few years time 11 plates won't be too expensive. I know tell me about it sometimes I wish someone just gave me a couple grand to not buy a new car just to make mine look nicer haha
Yeah £250 is the cheapest you will find, I love the 5 digit plates to be honest, look so much better on the car
Yeah £250 is the cheapest you will find, I love the 5 digit plates to be honest, look so much better on the car

Yes the short lettered number plates look good because they actually look like private plates lol but I guess there's benefits to having a dodgy/unique name - usernames are never taken
That's really helpful! Thanks Sayam. What does M18 JNU read?

Probably Majnu more than mujnu but you'd get away with it. I'm sure the person who makes the place could forget to include the space, or their name/postcode on the bottom of the plate...that would look much better lol...and if you were to forget where you got the plates made, well wouldn't that be a shame.
Ahh Majnu, I get cussed for Mujnu as it is, Majnu is salt on an already open wound do you know any places that do German press plates without the space?
Ahh Majnu, I get cussed for Mujnu as it is, Majnu is salt on an already open wound do you know any places that do German press plates without the space?

What's your actual name?

No sorry I don't...
The best you'll do for £250 is AxxMUJ, something like that. For the numbers, how about your birthdate?
The best you'll do for £250 is AxxMUJ, something like that. For the numbers, how about your birthdate?

I'm really anal about how things look lol if something is off by a little it bugs me, the closest I've found so far is M18 JNU or I'll just have to wait and buy an 11+ reg car and get the 11 plate
Could be an expensive reg. plate purchase then. £250 for the Reg. plate and £15000 for the car :smile new:
It's £400 which isn't too bad, but yes a whole new car for the sake of £400

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