Adding Sub & Amp with Concert II Stereo - Need assistance


Registered User
Aug 5, 2015
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Milton Keynes
Good morning all!

Brief introduction, I'm new here and have beent trawling the various forums for days but unfortunately can't quite find what I'm looking for! Apologies if I've missed something sitting right in front of me! I've recently brought an A4 Cab with a Concert II stereo for my wife, and she won't drive anywhere without a tasty bassline rumbling her forward! This leads me to a few questions, I'm hoping you all can help me out with!

The stereo is a Concert II with no BOSE and no sub. As I understand, its front door speakers and tweeters driven by the Concert II, and has an amp hiddin behind the number plate to drive the rears.

What she requires:

- A sub and amp, nothing major, perhaps 300W RMS and preferably 12".
- An iphone adaptor kit to enable her to play music from her phone, be it cabled or via Bluetooth.

We have two options:

1. Stick with the standard HU (the Concert II) - my preferred option

If we do this, can anyone advise

a) I understand the stereo does not have RCA out. Is there an adaptor I can buy to obtain RCA out from the HU? The amp we are going to buy has both high and low level inputs if this helps. If there is an adaptor, can anyone advise which adaptor I need?

b) We're looking at a Dension Gateway 100 to ipod/iphone control. Is this just plug & play? Does it come with the parts required to simply connect straight to the HU and work?

2. Replace the HU with her old Alpine 50w (which she can USB her iphone to and has RCA out)

If we do this, can anyone advise:

a) will all the speakers still work?
b) Will we get volume differences from the front/rear speakers
c) Will we require any adaptors? If so which?
d) are there any other unforeseen problems I may encounter with stereo not powering on, perm/switched lives etc?

I really appreciate all your help in advance.
Best regards,
Does anyone know the answer to option 2?
You'll not fit a 12" in the back of a cab standing up, floor to the roof box when down is 275mm , you'll get away with a 10" like I'm doing or you could lay a 12" on it's side but this would literally take up all the space under the roof box & some of the boot.

Here's a link Audi A4 Stock Headunit - Sub Install which should help you out .