Anyone made a stainless exhaust themselves?



Probably a stupid question but has anyone made a stainless exhaust themselves. I already have a 3" downpipe and decat but have been quoted £600 for a 3" decat back.
I know it wont be easy but i work with fully skilled welders/fabricators who will do all welds for me so if i do it it wont be a bodge.
Just wondered if anyone has had a go themselves or am i being too ambitious.
If your not doing the welding how can it be too ambitious ?
If their welders it doesn't matter what their sticking together
Go for it , what's the worst that can happen ?
Did you do away with the centre silencer and which rear silencer did you guys use? I've been looking at the universal magnaflow ones on ebay but not sure if they're any good.
You should look through tufftys thread and find the bit about the exhaust. Very helpful for anyone looking to do a job on their own.

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