Here you go...

Feb 15, 2007
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..have a laugh at my expense.

Just to prove bikes on the roof and low barrier entrances don't mix.

Two dents in the roof, one on the door, £40 worth of bike repairs and this.


What can I say, but gutted!
Ouch. Hope you get sorted out quickly.
It's been taken away to a secure lockup so the insurers can assess...not good.
We've just got so much going on at the moment, it was just a slight lapse in concentration between the wife and I!
No laughing here mate. More of a :( meh
Hope you get it sorted without any fuss
I hope so. We are driving to Snowdonia on Friday and I would much prefer to be in my own car, but the gut feeling is its not going to be ready in time!
Oh no mate, bad news, hopefully it looks worse than it actually is and you get it sorted.
I've been pushing the insurance company to get some momentum going, but until it's moved from storage to the repair garage, nothing's going to happen!
Tell me about it. I know the car was being delivered to the garage today, yet no phone call to say it's arrived. It's a good job I don't need a courtesy car at the moment!
From experience, if you dont chase it you wont get anything done, so keep at them, I know it may seem tedious, but at the end of the day, its your car and you are without it.
I've now established why our insurance premiums are so high; and it's not down to young drivers!

The car has only just arrived at the garage, so that's at least 5 days storage cost. I'm advised it will take another couple of days for the assessors to review the damage and come to an agreement with the insurance company, by that time it will be the weekend, then they'll need to order the replacement glass and make right the bodywork!
Gutted for you Stu! Least it will get sorted.

I got a cycle carrier that hangs off the back of my car. Only recently though have the 3 bikes stayed clean rather than being TFSI 'sooted' up and requiring cleaning after arriving at our destination!
Gutted for you Stu! Least it will get sorted.

I got a cycle carrier that hangs off the back of my car. Only recently though have the 3 bikes stayed clean rather than being TFSI 'sooted' up and requiring cleaning after arriving at our destination!

I had a a tailgate unit years ago, but I got fed up with having to put the seat down to get into the boot, so went for the roof system. The Merc has an automatic tailgate, so I could imagine that would be the next accident waiting to happen.

I've jumped from TFSI soot to proper dirty soot!
VW camper next mate. Chuck everything in the back including the wife...
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I was eligible for an upgrade on courtesy car, so here it is.


What technology I here you say,...well it's got Bluetooth.

Boy I can't wait to get home and tell the boys I sold the Merc for this!!!
LOL....well its better than nothing i guess, the boys wont be happy....although it is yellow!!!

Just missing the bull logo on the front :)
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Well it's done a round trip if 600 miles this weekend. It's been a very long time since I've had to drop down a gear to get up a hill, particularly around Snowdonia. We even managed to half-inch some Welsh slate from an abandoned mine which probably knocked 10 mph off our speed!
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The pain......I thought I was getting my car back Friday, but now it's Tuesday/Wednesday this week. That's two and a half weeks!
Oh it's the end of the week! How long does it take to spray a couple of panels!
LOL...shouldnt laugh but its a joke isnt it!!
I see you still haven't changed the badge.....
With that front end, I was considering an Aston Martin badge!
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So the boys were dropped home from school yesterday and rather than asking how our day was or if I was feeling better; they were jumping for joy yelling 'we've got the Mercedes back!'
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Phew, glad you have it back now :)
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Yes, feeling happy again now! And it's nice to effortlessly accelerate with very little influence!
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