Front/rear custom details.


Registered User
May 29, 2015
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Hi guys new To the forums, here's a couple pics of The details I recently got done.

Rear diffuser gloss black
Front splitter gloss black / red detail satin red.

Will post more of car soon.


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looks good, especially the red bit on the front
I want to paint these parts on mine , how do they come off ????
Hi, The parts are wrapped not painted I don't think any parts were removed but cannot be sure as I didn't do it.
looks good. It wold be interesting to see what the car looks like form head on. @Ell-94
@DTYME83 Thanks, yeah sorry about that I've been away for a few days and they were the only pictures I had on my phone haha, il get some up Asap. I believe I saw you parked down TB Broadway a few days ago I'm assuming you live in the area, loving the brake and exhaust upgrades looks very beastly!
No don'think it was me. I live in the Kent area
Sorry, yes you probably did see me. I was visiting a friend. I just checked the location on google maps lol @Ell-94
Haha I was going to say surely someone hasn't got the exact same spec as you was crazy seeing you on here then seeing your car 5mins from my house, small world! Very nice job you've done with it bro!
Thanks, so you live in speed camera land, my other half was saying when we was driving down that what is the point of having performance car living down here as BIG BROTHER is definitely watching lol @Ell-94
Haha unfortunately so, I'm sure your referring to the average speed cameras on the way in?(which don't actually work lol) Although saying that there's also many many miles of empty country roads that hardly anyone uses which makes up for the cameras everywhere
I am sure I will be back down that way soon. I will hit you up the next time I ma on your ends @Ell-94
Yeah definitely mate hit me up, would love to see the beast on the road. Hope to hear from you soon