Wife passed her test :)

Should i be worried?

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Sarcasm is hard on a forum ;)
Nov 1, 2013
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Portlethen, Scotland
My wife has passed her driving test today and i have her car at work. Which means my S3 is sat on the driveway teasing her.
If she's anything like my wife she'll be to scared to drive it
Reactions: Brasso, Cymru09 and Psyman79
You probably have your car keys on you, lol. Well done to your wife for passing her test. Now her learning begins. I remember it was really scary the first time i went out in car alone, no dual controls, lol.
Reactions: Psyman79
well done to her!!!

yes, hide your keys and buy a Ford KA!
Reactions: Psyman79
Well done to her....let her try a launch control and that will be enough for her to hand the keys back to you and not ask for a shot of the S3...
Reactions: Psyman79
Thanks peeps. She's got a 63 plate Ibiza 1.2 DSG but i've taken it to work as it hadn't been driven for a couple of weeks. Would like to think she'd be too scared to try it and she's only covered 3rd party on mine at the moment (from her own policy for Ibiza)
Well done to her....let her try a launch control and that will be enough for her to hand the keys back to you and not ask for a shot of the S3...

I've not even tried LC yet but thats it over 1000 miles now so might give it a go soon
Congrats to the wife.

Now the rules have to be laid out.
1) do not park near the S3
2) do not even think about driving the S3, unless there is a life threatening reason to do so... shoes at discount prices is not life threatening

These rules exist for my girlfriend for various reasons. The minor crashes i've experienced as a passenger to her driving. The scratch she left in my door when she parked next to my current (non s3) car, and the dents in her previous car from her parking manoeuvres. Granted she has improved at parking due to her new car having parking sensors, but that didn't protect my door!
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Reactions: Rob2k68 and Psyman79
We had sensors fitted to her car when i got the S3 as our drive is just long enough for both cars

Can highly recommend AVRmobiles by the way, excellent job.
My wife said she will be scared to get into my car as a passenger...let alone to drive it (Not that she can drive btw ) She just knows how clean I keep all my cars, it will only get worse with the S3
My wife has passed her driving test today and i have her car at work. Which means my car is sat on the driveway teasing her.
As I refuse to engage in any sexist banter I suggest you give her your car keys just to show how much you love and trust her...
Reactions: Psyman79
Sexist banter? My stories were 100% true. I'll have you know there is no sexism here, I find that both men are women are shocking drivers and the badge on the car doesn't make a difference either. Too many people on the road who don't know the priority of round abouts, or think that is ok to drive at 20mph in a 30, sit in the outside lane of a dual carriage way when they are a mile away from the junction, lane hog on the motorway and lack of indicators...!

grrr they really grind my gears!

You missed the "To wash it" part out!
My girlfriend made it very clear that its "my" job as the "man" to clean her car...
I have let my Mrs drive my cars on occasions like short very short trip's with me as the passenger...say to the likes of a off sales...etc lol, like a few folk have said,she was very apprehensive in doing so,she's a terrible driver,smokes in her car,kerbs every wheel in her car's "company car" but my Mother is insured for my car and l would not bat a eye lid, letting her drive any of my cars,in fact my Mother is going to drive my S3 home from the showroom to home on pick up day as i will be working....but l wouldnt let any "new driver" behind a wheel of a fast car until they have gained a lot of experience driving wife or not

That's alot of trust ! I've put my mother on my insurance too but only because it makes it heck of alot cheaper, cant really say no to driving it as it will be parked at my parents place whilst I'm away working - don't want it out on the street! New driver wise I totally agree my sister who has recently re acquired her license ( after loosing it due to the new drivers rule of 6 points in the first two years!) has been begging to get on the 7 day insurance not really convinced yet, her binning a £35k+ car in the first week doesn't appeal to me!
Should you be worried Si? Very ...
Reactions: Psyman79

l trust my mother with my life....she's got car OCD into the bargain aswell.....
For me. not a problem; the wife has done the advanced driving and has her own Jaggg
Reactions: phil1824
No problem for me either, wifey is a very experienced and confident driver, no crashes or tickets.

For a new driver it might be a different story. I find rear visibility in the A3/S3 to be rather poor due to the small rear view mirror and rear seat headrests. And some instructors teach new drivers to adjust their side mirrors to point at the sides of the car to use as a reference point, but that creates huge blind spots. Practice away from heavy traffic...
Haha, if I was her Si I would have taken the S3 and turned it around so you knew she'd driven it lol!!
But I'd like to hope she's be too scared to drive it matey
Reactions: Psyman79
Reactions: Pulp84
Mrs Pulp has driven our S3 twice in 9 months.

First time she noted "it's a bit quick". Second drive she noted "my brain can't cope with the speed". Bless her....

I am just in the process of buying Mrs Pulp a new car as "our S3" has slowly turned in to my S3 because of this.

Her new car is an interesting choice which I will post about in the next few weeks when it arrives........should get some nice debate going.

Cos' we all loves a bit of debate on ASN!
Reactions: Psyman79 and Blackwhite
My wife has her own 1.6TDI A1 manual which, in my opinion, she drives very well. I am quite relaxed in the A1 when she is driving. She occasionally drives my A3 and is quite confident with the car and the s-tronic and again I'm quite happy to be a passenger when she is driving. The only thing she has not done is drive my A3 on the other side of the road in Europe. She knows how much I enjoy my driving, particularly in Germany, so just lets me get on with it but has always said she would be happy to drive there if she needed to for any reason. Mind you I don't think she would drive quite as fast on the Autobahn!! Her next car will probably be another A1 but with s-tronic rather than manual.
Reactions: Psyman79
If she's anything like my wife she'll be to scared to drive it

My wife hardly ever drives these days, but she has said that when the Spring arrives and the weather improves she'll 'have a go' in the S3. At the moment all the techy stuff is rather intimidating (it was to me to start with!) and she's not prepared to launch herself straight onto the main road and take it from there. (I second that!)

My greatest priority when she does start driving the S3 will be to keep her well away from all roadsides and kerbs .. those wheels are far too pretty to be dinged!
Reactions: Psyman79
My wife loves the s3, especially the boost gauge 'it's like the playstation' was her response once I told Her what it was!
Reactions: Psyman79
My wife loves the s3, especially the boost gauge 'it's like the playstation' was her response once I told Her what it was!
I have still to hear from someone properly in the know exactly what the boost gauge is supposed to show me! The more I put my foot down the more it lights up, but frankly I'd much rather have a coolant temperature gauge (perhaps that should be an S3 option).

Of all the distinguishing features on the S3, the boost gauge is really the least useful bit of kit, serving no obvious purpose as far as I can see ... unless you can tell me any different!

I disagree the most useless bit IMO is the cigarette lighter, having said that it's pretty useless but it lights up the dash and makes it all pretty when I'm pushing on..... Who wants to look at a boring coolant temperature gauge I'll stick with the flashing lights thanks
I disagree the most useless bit IMO is the cigarette lighter

Go with that also - can't imagine being a smoker and having to lean across the cabin to reach the thing!. That's why I opted for the no-cost option of a removable blanking cap that reveals the socket for my mobile phone charger.

Nobody has come on here yet to convince me of the practical use for the Boost Gauge though! Bright lights to confirm that I'm pushing along a bit are not really what I need!
Just to follow up on my previous post, I am happy to let my partner drive my car. I look at how perfect the alloys are on her own car, as it is me who cleans it, and I know she is a very careful driver....

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