Pay as you go Mobile Help Needed!


Registered User
May 17, 2011
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Hi All!

I'm after some help if possible. I'm sick of my current network (Giff Gaff) having no signal so I am looking to jump ship to Three or EE. The problem is, the useless Three and EE websites don't actually show me how many minutes/texts/Internet I would get if I topped up £10/£15/£20/£25 a month.

Can anybody tell me?

Many Thanks in advance!
The Carphone Warehouse has listings of each pay as you go network with some top up deals (although admittedly they don't seem to have information on all but it's the best I could find without scouring each providers website)

Just out of interest where are you based as I'm on Tesco which runs through o2 (same as GiffGaff) and receive rubbish signal too.
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Thanks mate but that website only shows the £10 EE top up and no three or other price top ups.
I'm in Moray. It's annoying because even when I do get a 3G signal most of the time I still can't send texts or connect to Internet!
I know this is by no means a solution but I use Viber and Skype for most the calls on my phone now due to rubbish signal but to be fair they're actually really good and if your phones connected to WiFi it uses no money/minutes/internet either and usually message using WhatsApp which is allot better than regular messages.
I actually work at Carphone, we don't sell Three for a multitude of reasons (effective for a year now), but pay as you go (unless you barely top up a fiver a month) is rarely the best value. If the £10 topup options don't satisfy you, look for a good Sim only contract. EE are best for 4G coverage, but Virgin (same signal without 4Gness) are a metric ton cheaper. 30 day rolling contracts, starting at around £7 per month, and going up to 15 for an illogically large tariff :D Carphone will sell them, as will Virgin media stores (I think).
£25 pm for a Three 30day contract with 500 min and 1k of texts, with all-you-can-eat data and teathering pack on 4G. If you have good Three signal and mostly use data it would be silly not to.

I've been streaming music to my car without worrying about data for a year now.

EE does seem to have better coverage, but you do pay for it.
I'm with EE and must agree their 4G coverage is second to none, only issues I have is most (if not all) their contracts don't have unlimited Internet and although the Internet is always ready to rock in some areas I can't get signal for calls/text. Very tempted to switch to Three as making Internet based calls/text is something I've became accustomed to and predict this to grow with everyone just requiring a mobile Internet connection in the future.
Definitely, I have an EE 4G 100GB per month, for two months SIM in a mifi dongle for home due to not having any lines connected yet (new build) - the speed and signal seem to be much better than Three, but their deals are definitely on the pricey side. I'd use EE if money was no object, but Three obliterates it in terms of value for money for a data hog like me. They have been very aggressive on their 4G rollout, by just giving it away to any customers that use their existing data packages. Speed is decent enough to have a Skype video call or stream HD video and music without issues, and coverage is not too bad in most places I've driven. In-fact, my wife always used my data, via wifi tethering, while we travelled around UK when she had Giff-Gaff. No prises for guessing which network she is with now :)
If I had a decent O2 signal I would use Giff Gaff hands down! The best I have found so far is EE. Although their customer services are the worst going!!! (All in India and reading from a script!)
i've done the reverse,EE were awful at home/work/everywhere apart from when I was off the west coast of Africa on an Island,giffgaff is so much better.

Have you tried different phones to see if it makes a difference
Maybe you should try a contract, most people have them these days, saves you having to top up.

I'm on the O2 refresh contact, as I like to change my phone quite a bit. All you have to do is pay off the remaining price of the handset and pick a new one. Carphone warehouse were unable to offer a refresh contract, so had to go to O2 directly.
im on giffgaff cant fault the service and its cheap
£15pm from voda, sim only deal with unltd txt/calls and 1gb data, just got one for the missus 12m contract - company phone for me so i don't really care