Looking For Part Numbers? Parts Database For The Audi A6

At times I have found online catalogues like Bosch, Valeo, VDO, etc great to use as well (Lots of manufacturers have them! get your google goggles on!).

Link:- https://www.bosch-automotive-catalog.com

Link:- http://www.valeoservice.com/html/unitedkingdom/en/produits.catalogueproduits.php

Link:- http://web.tecdoc.net/vdo/home.jsp

One of the handy features of these catalogues can be where you search it via a VAG P/N to get a manufacturer P/N which may mean once googled you get part for less than at VAG dealer.

For instant the throttle body on my car is made my VDO cross ref'ing the VAG P/N and then using VDO P/N I saved £££.
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Reactions: RoyC, PAULF and alex13p
I know I tried using it last ight. Saw this website linked in a post a few days ago and it's more upto date than partsbase so started using this.
Good timing really.

Reactions: jojo
Audi.7zap does not seem to be working...any other ideas folks?
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