S3 diffuser on 170 TDI


Registered User
Feb 25, 2013
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Hi all,

I have just put a S3 rear diffuser on my 170 TDI and have noticed that the exhaust doesn't line up correctly.

Has anyone fixed this before without going down a new exhaust route?

Yeah c what u mean maybe a re weld may fix it ?
Garage don't think a re weld a worth it... Custom back box 220 might just have to bite the bullet
Garage don't think a re weld a worth it... Custom back box 220 might just have to bite the bullet

Don't think it's worth it? That's so they can sell you a custom back box for £220!! That's a lot of money for a back box mate

Ask them to cut off your tail pipes and fit newer (maybe slightly bigger ones) that line up right. That wont cost that much at all, £100 max.
I have milltek exhaust on mine and it sits the same fella,

Apologies for sheet pictures,

I have had a look underneath and i think it could be adjusted, where the back box slides onto the centre section and is joined with a clamp i think if that clamp is removed/slackened off, the back box will spin roound and this will pull it over to the left a fraction.....

It is on my "to do list" but to be honest i just CBA, i clean tips and then a few 100 meters up road back to all sooted up and covered in diesel

Remap FTW
might be something to do with s3 being quattro and exhaust taking slightly different route due to 4wd set up
Just had a little play with it but couldn't manage to do much due to the a hanger on the drivers side not giving any room for movement.

I'll have a chat to my mate and look into the tips.
I fitted the s3 diffuser to my 3.2 quattro and had the same problem. I unbolted the o/s rear box hanger and turned in 180 degrees, this centralised the tips in the diffuser.
I fitted the s3 diffuser to my 3.2 quattro and had the same problem. I unbolted the o/s rear box hanger and turned in 180 degrees, this centralised the tips in the diffuser.

Had a look under the car and it seems if I turn the o/s rear hanger it would only move it forward?? :S
Not sure if your 2wd or 4. Mines 4 and I was able to unbolt the hanger and turn it around moving the exhaust to the left by about an inch , centralising the exhaust tips in the diffuser.
Just looked at your pics again and mine had exactly the same positioning after fitting the diffuser, reversing my o/s hanger resolved it.
The hanger bolts on with the bar pointing towards the n/s, I took it off and turned it so that it faces the o/s.
This is my o/s hanger and unless I'm being thick I can't see how turning it 180 could make any difference apart from move it further towards the front. I'm guessing the Quattro bracket is different.
Ps not sure why tapatalk insist on uploading crap image quality..
No that's your near side, when standing at the back of the car facing it, the o/s is your right. Take a look at the hanger yo the right of the back box.

This is what your looking for, it can bolt on 2 ways. I turned it round and it moved it across.

This what it looked like after. It looked like yours before.

I'm going to have some new tips fitted to better fill the recess. I considered a milltek but I don't want noise.

This is my n/s hanger which is welded on
Sorry dude, if that hanger can't be moved you will need to find another way. You sure its welded on and there isn't a nut the other side?
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