Extended leather knee pads



Just purchased a set of these for the RS


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Nice! was it a one off or have you found a decent supplier of these?
I think the guy has one more set + grab handles/door handles as well.

Do you want his contact number ?
These really do look great, are you able to get them anywhere now? My grab handles have issues of peeling.
I'd be very careful with purchasing from this supplier, you have been warned
They are expensive and the quality control is poor
Hi, I have found this thread whilst searching for a replacement damaged leather n/s knee pad for my RS3 and have registered to view the photo out of curiosity, thinking it will be another tacky poorly covered set.
I am surprised to see Klausters comment? These look just as mine and I would say they are 99% Genuine, I know what these genuine extended leather parts look like as I have taken mine out. I can tell fakes a mile off in many ways such as saggy & loose covering / miss aligned double stitch / poor quality cross stitch / poor join to the upper frame rubber / miss aligned hex cut out that is not tight on the bolt.
Look on ebay Germany I see fakes, I have also seen poor quality items covered in others forums. Looking at this picture I would like to know why quality control is poor which I must say is the best I have seen so far and as my original part.
I and wanted to know if these are from the German guy selling on ebay uk ?? As these look like quality original parts to me.
Quality takes time and time is money, To make such an awkward part by hand and get it perfect must take hours and much patience and require a very skilled upholster. I myself would not spend hours attempting such work as it would probably take me days and look like every other fake set. In my eyes they are worth a some days wages and I'd sooner pay Audi for the original set at £795 or whatever they are from a genuine seller than £250 for a fake set. You get what you pay for and why would we worry about saving a few hundred pounds when our cars are worth over 30k. Most try to make an A3 to be an RS3, so why not keep the Rs3 the real deal for a few extra quid.
Nothing wrong with the ones I bought excellent quality look OEM to me, I'm considering getting the door handles and ceiling handles, I can't understand the comments either, same guy has supplied other RS3 owners as well I believe.
I got a deal for a set today incase one did not match, I got them from the buds seller on ebay today, I requested large photos before paying and they are just like my originals.
They can only be OEM, The stitching is precise & perfect as it could get. In fact they look better than mine, Maybe my set was made on a Friday.
It looks like the guy on VAGOC must of gave his jam jar nan his old school fonzy jacket and a bottle of Gin in exchange for her effort that evening, He forgot to tell her don't use your wooden knitting needles. LOL

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