2002 S3 Intermittant Boost!?!


Registered User
Mar 5, 2012
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Hi everyone, if anyone can shine some light my way it would be so f'in appreciated!! I have a S3 225 BAM and having problems with the boost, it's fine in 1st and 2nd and 3rd but then in 4th it struggles to boost past 4k!! It feels like its being kicked in the balls and struggles and struggles to come up through the revs! It's fine in the lower gears but not 4th and up! Tried unplugging the N75 as I thought this would be the main culprit but it made a big difference and wouldn't boost much so guessing this is working fine!
Not got VAGCOM so can't plug it in!?! Unless anyone in Manchester area with it to scan for a few beer tokens obviously!!
Thanks in advance!


PS its not the coil packs as they have just been replaced as a recall from the stealers!!
As you are thinking it really needs logging to see what is happening in 4th+ gear, have you got a standard TIP? may be its collapsing...under heavy load
To be honest Dave that's what I'm thinking, it's a standard one but looks in ok condition?! Is there anyway of strengthing it as if I'm honest I've not got the money to spen about £100 on a TIP and it not be the problem!?
If this was tha case would it not do it in the lower gears?
Well the heat will rise through the gears i would imagine, and if original, the tip will be 10 years old... it may not well be the problem, you need logs Jim... there are quite a few members from the manchester area, and even have mini meets with vagcom, pm superkarl or sandip...
Thanks Dave appreciate the help will try a pm and see if I have any joy!
I have the same problem ok in 1st 2nd and not bad in 3rd but 4th like u say kicked in the balls
I have the same problem ok in 1st 2nd and not bad in 3rd but 4th like u say kicked in the balls

Have you tried anything with it yet smithy? Mine is standard so not sure whether the TIP would collapse or not as Ive heard of it happening but on remapped cars! But when I think about it, this could be the case with the feel of it and the way its fine in the lower gears then when the full potential is there its pulls it in (As with the lower gears the pick up doesnt last very long as im sure you know)

I also got 3 Month RAC Warranty with the car but ive heard its not worth a f*ck!!
Does anyone know if the DV could cause this problem or the symptoms of a knackered DV??!!
:sign_plug: pm me for a cheap TIP in great condition.

now on topic. it would need logging to find any clues to be honest, our logging meets at awesome are good as we can all brainstorm over issues and were fairly good with most things.

we are due another one sandip, what do you say?

Cheers Karl but I met up with Sandip on Saturday and got a TIP off him so just need to fit it now and see if my problem disappears which I'm sure it won't!!!! We changed the N75 and DV to no change so still head scratching as to what the problem is!

Oh and for the record Sandip is one hell of a genuine lad with a damn fine motor!! Looks and sound even better in the flesh!! Cheers again mate!!
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