keyfob central locking prob can any1 help please!!


Registered User
Mar 15, 2012
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when i got the car none of them wer working can any1 tell me how 2 sync them,cheers
its in the owners book
or a quick google will sort you out
he didnt give me the book with it m8 but ill try n google it cheers
arrggg nothing wrking tried putting the key in holding the unlock button still not working lol
info on what car would be a start ?
lol soz its a 2001 a4 b6 quattro 2.5 diesel bez :thumbsup:
turn key on so u got dash lights
dont start engine
press lock unlock lock unlock lock unlock
turn off get out shut door try
i tried this and didnt work but hoppfully it helps some1 else

The following instructions are to reprogram your switchblade key fob.

1. Take a spare key and insert it into the ignition. Turn it one click forward.

2. Roll down your window just in case. Step outside the car, and lock the car with a second key.

3. With your second key fob press the unlock button. The lights should flash.

4. Now lock the car with the key fob, and then unlock it.

5. Remove the key from the lock and the key from the ignition, and try it's function
you may have a problem somewhere else and not the key
have you changed the batterys ?
have you had fault codes read?
dunno bout the battery bez but my friend has the lead for audi ill get it off him and check m8
1st off id change the remote battery
as they wernt working when you got the car could be as simple as that
Mmm I got similar probes ,my car is Y plate B6 ,symptoms are no fob action on both fobs ,established battrys are fine ! ,unlocks drivers door using key but central locking no action till I put keys in ignition ,an for the boot to unlock I have to start the car ! ( haunted I reckon ) had a Saab 93 aero had crazy electric probes windows goin up an down by themselves wipers doing the same it was an auto and would just change up into top gear when it shouldn't crazy car that turned out to be alternator £397 later ! So I'm fairly happy to put up with my Audi locking system I'm getting into routine on how I let my kids n wife in car now ,but curiousity is getting better of me an would like to get it sorted any ideas anyone
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