To sell or not to sell...


Registered User
Jun 29, 2009
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Surrey, UK
I know this has been said a few times with various people thinking of selling and asking for advice, i'm unfortunately looking to do the same.
I have a 51 plate S3 I have owned it for about 2 and a half years having bought it off a friend, I love the car but seeing a 61 plate car the other day made me realise the car isn't getting any younger and the miles aren't coming down, I think I have come to that cross road: Do I continue to mod and keep the car till it dies (in years to come), or do I change for something newer?

As I love the car, It's mechanically sound (helps having a dad in the motor trade) it pulls very well and its a real shame to sell it looking at the kind of money the S3s are going for now...

But this is the decision I need some help with ...
If i go for a newer car i am looking at getting a good loan or finance on a car for under 15k ideally.

I am open to ideas, but ideally it needs to be newer than the S3, looking for something quick and fun; thought about newer shape S3's, Lotus Elise, possibly Porches if Cayman is cheap enough, I also have been offered a friends 55 Plate Quattro Sport TT with 30k miles for 9k..

So what do you guys thinks, is there a good replacement for the S3 for that kind of money, if so what?
Or is it better to keep the car and do any work thats needed and continue with the modding process?

Advice is muchly appreciated :)
this might might not be any help but look at it the way i do its much easier and cheaper to make your car faster or what ever your looking for, than go out and get a loan to get a car. just my opinion.

id love a 8p s3 i only drive an a3 t sport so i dont even have an s3 but i think its better to put money in to a car that keeps you smiling away than to go and get loads of debt to get a new car.
Personally, two years ago I would of said sell up and get a new car, newer car = better.

Getting sick of the cost now though, fuel, insurance, tax plus if your getting a loan, a few hundred quid a month on top of that. Depends on your financial situation I guess, I know nothings getting cheaper though which has put me off.

Just sticking with my S3 now I think until I feel the need for a newer car but could be a while!
I wont consider selling my S3 until I've done what I want to it, remap, wheels, get it really tidy etc. If you've done what you want with the car, then I suppose I would think about replacing it.
After careful thought, the 8P S3 is a good transition . Wait a year a grab a bargain with good spec
Progression is normal isn't it, we all move onto bigger and better things, plus it really depends on if you are bored of your 8L S3 or not? I hardly use mine, so not entirely bored of it, it still gives me a buzz in 3rd gear on full throttle going through the rev range!

The market for these cars are slow at the moment, so why not put it up for sale and see how it goes? If it sells, then get a replacement, if not, keep it!
I'd keep it. If there nothing wrong with the car and your happy with how it runs keep her for a bit longer and maybe save towards a new car in a few years. Prices on alot of the cars you named in the next year or so will drop. I always say im gonna change my car and been offered alot of swaps but i dont have the heart to lol im far too attached!
Plus anything i really want i cant get insured on. So i'll wait till i can and in the mean time save once i've finished modding my car.
My A3 wont be going when i get a new car anyway <3 Good luck on what ever you choice and let us know :thumbsup:
I wont consider selling my S3 until I've done what I want to it, remap, wheels, get it really tidy etc. If you've done what you want with the car, then I suppose I would think about replacing it.

You better not even considering selling her once your done:gun2: We have had this chat:p:laugh:
Or i'll just have it once your done ha
Sell it if your not happy,trying to make it faster is expensive for an old car,go 8p or mk5 gti
its all about what you want really, i like the idea of a new car but truth be told if i was buying a toy id actually be buying older cars!! As for loans that really is dependant on your circumstances and how much theyll change,borrowing equals spending more than cars worth now and in the future. In 2years you might be bored again with 1 or more years finance outstanding,the more you can save the better!
I get bored of all these "should i sell", "make my mind up for me because i cant myself", "what am i missing out on by having an S3", "Should i spend my money on this or get another", "I know this is an S3 forum but i want something else", threads...

Seriously if you want rid then get rid. Or keep and enjoy... (My two penneth of course)
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Lol i have a s3 apy 225 in silver and love it, i parked it up and went back to my golf gti turbo lol. Sold golf and now drive audi A4 1.8T Advant and now i cant wait to get rid and get back in my s3 so iv just taxed it and need to change insurance over. Just cant wait to feel the quality audi put into these cars. Keep it pal u will miss it haha j3wce
TT's are gay (especially at 9K!), Caymans are for people who can't afford a 911 and Elises are for people under 4ft2.

Sell the S3 and buy an S2, you know it makes sense. Go against the grain, a newer car will loose money quicker than your S3 and if you go even older then people won't assume you've got a crappy old S3 they'll assume you've made the discerning choice and chosen a car you actually like. Oh, and I'll be in awe of your awesomeness.

Hmmmm, 5 pot turboness....



That is of cause in case you actually like the S3, then you should keep it and make it go faster.
Thanks for the advice, I know these threads are a bit gay, just needed some opinions to help me make the right choice.

I do love the S3 the reason for considering selling is the modding I want to do to make myself happy with it vs the falling value of the car making some mods nearing half the worth of the car.

As for the TT, i agree in usual terms they are a bit gay... But the one i have been offered is the Quattro Sport 240 edition which i believe is pretty limited; hence keeping value and reasonably nippy. - Anyone had any experience of the TTQS, i only know what i have read in reviews online?

The S2 does look a beast! Might see how much I can get one of those for!
Truth is. If u get a 15k loan buy an 8p ull be in the same position as you are now when youve paid it off in 10 years but this time youll be skint aswell...

I never buy a car for more than 4k as thats when its price has dropped the most after that its a slow decline normally.

If you really wanna sell then you can get something like a Focus ST/RS, 8P, new megane
Personally if I was going to get a new car (58 plate+) I'd buy a Mazda 3 MPS. Knocks the socks off a Focus ST IMO.
all to do with your financial position and what you regard as disposable income that you dont mind trading for a newer car..... newer nearly always equals more wasted money, the more money you have the more your more likely to want to waste on the luxuries in life.... therefore you ought to sit down and work out what you dont mind wasting.....
How about something like a e46 m3 or even a b7 s4. They within the price budget.
again, what you save in depreciation costs you in ancillaries...... go price up the bits most likely to go on each of those cars (RS4 discs £1200ish trade?), factor in your extra weekly fuel costs and all of a sudden 10-15k on the car could have got you in a 20-25k more modern vehicle - personal choice of course ;)
I'm in the same boat. I've advertised My S3 on Pistonheads to test the water. If it sells, I'm off to buy an E46 M3. If it doesn't then it's coilovers and more power!

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