dual mass flywheel on S3 - do i need to replace?


Registered User
Oct 17, 2004
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Just had the local guys call me about my gearbox swap, informed me there is of course the recommendation of replacing the dual mass flywheel, cheapest ive seen on ebay is 299 unless someone has seen it cheaper.

They said they'd inspect, and let me know. Are there signs of wear? The car is 'W' reg on 117k should i do it anyway, just reluctanct as i had reserved that money for bolt on goodies.

Looking at getting it remapped too should i be pushing for an uprated clutch or is standard ok?


Standard clutch is fine for remapped as a precation i changed mine even though it didnt have to much movement. its a case of precation really
If your paying someone to do the gearbox change i think its a false economy not to replace the clutch and flywheel while its in bits. Its one of those things that may well be fine for some time but if you dont do it its bound to go not long after you get it on the road and then you will be onto a second lot of labour. Standard clutch and flywheel are perfectly ok for running in a remapped car imho. Id check with gsf for the flywheel mate they supply LuK ones which are the original manufacturer Audi use, think i paid £200 for the flywheel when i did mine the clutch was another £120 i think and the release bearing is about £30 iirc.