S3 Badge on Brake Calipers

Most cars I've owned I've cleaned caliper using a wire brush attachment on a drill to removed all rust/corrision.
Paint them hammerite smooth (Silver or black), with a brush and get good results. I generally only keep my cars a year and they always look good in that time so have no doubt they will last. I also paint the hubs.

With the disk guards I wire brush them and spray paint them Hammerite Satin black for a factory look finish.

First time Ive used decals but as their under lacquer I can't see no reason why they won't last
Its worth getting them shot blasted and buy caliper paint out off Halfords and take your time to paint them . Pm me if your looking for decal for them as i know off someone who does them .
Reactions: 54V4G3
I used a "Autotek aerosol lacquer" as I already had it here.
I've also used Halfords aerosol metallic paint and Halfords lacquer to paint calipers before as I wanted a mettalic finish.. looked great and lasted well!

If you don't track the car I don't think the calipers get that hot to damage the paint
Reactions: 54V4G3
Hi All!

Can someone please tell me if the S3 Logo on the brake calipers can be removed and replaced with a new one?

They seem to be on a plate that can be removed.


I realize it’s be almost 7 years since the start of this thread, however this may prove to be useful to some of you searching around...

I ordered a pair of these caliper plates/springs straight from the Audi dealer recently.

Part#: 8p0615269
Cost: €82.04 (but I got a 50% discount for waiting for 2 months, woohoo!)

Oddly, I ordered a set of 2... with one coming from the UK and the other from Germany. Probably good for the information here, and also likely why I had to wait 2 months to get them.

Lastly, they are relatively easily removed (use a flathead screwdriver and pop them out from the middle, but be careful as they do really spring out). Getting them back on is another story... I ended up scratching the fresh paint right off my caliper (which is why I had removed the plates in the first plate). Not happy. Ended up going back to the dealer to have them placed back on.

Hope this helps, happy tuning.
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