How long does it take JOM coilovers to settle in?


Registered User
Nov 15, 2010
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I believe coilovers require a bit of time from once been installed to actually finding their position and softness/hardness.

Just wondering how long this is as I dont want to adjust them to find they have moved again in a couple of days.

I installed them on saturday and have noticed one of my rears has dropped considerably more than the other so far.

Put my coilover on about 3 weeks ago and my rears have dropped down a bit more recently but I only use my car 3/4 day a week. I would say about 300 miles and they would be fully bedded in.
Yeah same here, ive done about 3-400 miles on mine and they seemed to have dropped a fair amount.
If only one has dropped I would recheck the spring platforms etc are set right and are tight...

mine took about 2 weeks. the back dropped together so id get it checked as above.
Lookng for some help regarding this... just had my JOMs fitted to by B6 A4 (i know this is the wrong section, but there is nothing in the A4 forum). The garage have sent me a pic of the car, and the front is fine, but the rear is sat up really high although they are wound down fully... not sure whether I've been sent the wrong springs, or if they just drop a lot after dein driven on.

may just stick some sand bags in the boot, and drive around with a full tank and ecourage them to drop me. Any experiene of anything similar?
mine were really high and we were all confused then he reversed it off the ramp up the slope outside and they dropped as they should have. ask them to drive up a hill or something and they should come down
Thanks guys, I'm nut sure they'll sit correctly without the adjusters, but the car hasn't been driven, I think it's just been rolled out of the garage, and then back in. I'm really hopinh they'll settle well with some weight in the back. Little worried as it'll look mental.
open the boot and bounce on the back. get 2 ppl if ur a bit lightweight
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