LPG Converstion!


Registered User
Oct 12, 2010
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Does anyone's wallet twitch when filling up??
I'm thinking of researching into LPG to save cost as i'm running a A4 cab qs 163bhp 2004 - getting 30-35mpg - but need to make it last longer.... I know lpg is a dry burning gas so the engine would need constant lube but have only heard good ting about it! Any one done/doing/considering any advise would be greatful!:blackrs4:
i know people that have done it albeit it was to a peogeot 306 petrol and the only issue was with the conversion kit being faulty. After it was rectified all was rosy. They kept running out of petrol as you still need it to get the car going, once warmed up you switched it over to gas. savings where massive when doing a lot of miles. The conversion cost them around £1500. depending on mileage you do it could take a while to regain the outlay.

should say that performance and miles per gallon were reportadly not much different from normal. Wonder what it would be like on your motor being more of a performance model?
that is a lot to gain back £1500 would think it would cost more for the audi would you not just go over to diesel to save your self the cash.
@swarcup I'm going to do research it but as you say it's down to cost.. but i do 60miles a day to work and back... at the moment....but when i find out more details will let you know....

@Simon2004 - it is but this car is something i've wanted and waited patiently for and got, Wife & kid (house finished & munkin now at school) sorted and I wanted a toy for me!! I want to keep the car as long as possible but if it means i cut cost on fuel a little makes a difference... oh and i heard you get road tax reduced & don't have to pay congestion charge in laandan.....
tax for mine is 120 year ;-) i see your point though mate enjoy it and sod the petrol ;-)
hi all . i had a 2.8 a6 that had the lpg conversion the system i had started on petrol but within half a mile it automaticaly switched to gas . you get anything from 10 to 20% less mpg on gas but when you think that lpg is roughly 50% cheaper than petrol it starts to make sence . lpg produces very little carbon so your engine oil last longer the engine internals stay very clean when compared to petrol due to the lack of carbon . as regards performance i could not tell the difference between the two fuels . only one minor pitfall 32 quid used to get me 70 litres this amount took about 4 to 5 minuites to fill the tank but then you are only stood with your hand on a button .all in all if the car as reasonably low milage and you intend keeping it for a long time then it makes very good sence and when you come to sell it they are very sort after (still kicking myself for selling that car )
My 3.0 is LPG converted.

£33 to fill up and gets me 250 miles with mixed driving. Not bad for a heavy, thirsty 4wd motor!
Yendall & Gibonz!! thanks for that fellas!! i'm going to dig deeper get some quotes and look into.... do you recommend anywhere, anything I should be looking for or did you buy you're motors with it already installed?
Mine already had it installed which is the best way to buy it as it doesnt really add that much value to the motor itself.

But if you intend on keeping it, you should certainly make your money back for the cost of the conversion. Which is usually anywhere between £1500-2000 depending on engine size. A v6 would be around £2k I would imagine. Google search UK conversion specialists, theres loads of them, also check some of the LPG forums.

My last car was an E39 530d sport which I was filling 1 tank per week at £80-90 and now im getting usually more than a weeks driving for £33. You still have to put petrol in every once in a while as thats what the car starts up on and runs on until the LPG kicks in.

So my monthly fuel bills went from; 4 x £85 = £340


3.5 x £33 = £115.50 (LPG) + £25 (Petrol) = £140.50

Saving per Month = £199.50
Gibonz cheers for that fella!!
£199.50*12 =£2394 saving a year so you've actually saved money so if installed then paid off over a year then saving that for those little extras every month every year....

you know if i could put the nozzle input in the boot rather having ugly looking filler on the outside?
Yeh apparently its been done before, like on the inner bodywork when the passenger door is open etc but for law it needs to be mounted externally. Bummer!
You can mount the attachment for filling under the fuel fill cap. All you need is an adapter to connect it to the gas line. I think behind the fuel cap Door is the best place to store this too.

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