Avant roof bar removal


Registered User
Feb 10, 2010
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Has anyone taken them off before, or a link to removing them? I'm going to be putting the back, just want to change the colour of them. I've got Elsawin but cannot find any info on there.

Sorted it! Surprisingly easy!! Roof now wrapped white, rest of car to do now!!
Here are a few pics so far, early days of course!!

Carbon wrapped the rear valance thing as well!!

Thats gonna look f*ckin mint mate!

Here's a pic to keep you motivated

lol, cheers!! I'm going to be doing the little lower side bits in carbon though but the rest the same!!!!
can i ask why your doing a panel at a time ?
lol, cheers, think the dark side bits look loads better!!

simon2004 - I was more than a few mm in the door shuts hence doing the side panels seperately. Doing them all at once will only leave me a little overlap.
oh right when i was in the game the guys where i worked used to do the door shuts first then do all the panels in one hit. yours is looking good though nice finish on it for sure mate nice and shiny ;-) you doing the wheels black too
Yeah there are different ways of doing it! Personal preference really/

Not sure on wheels might buy some new ones!
If you cover the car all at once then it makes it difficult to see out and open the doors.

ha ha ha

some of the cars in that link james put up are sooooooooooooooooooo nice your one is going to look sweat
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Few recent pics taken tonight.....

Getting there slowly but surely!!
Looking good! How long have you spent getting it this far?
Looks great!

Are you still using it on a daily basis while doing this? I bet you get some good looks!
That's what I was going to say. People on your usual work route will be watching your progress with interest
lol, nah i dont use it for work as i commute into the City, although I did have to do an airport run yesterday - was kinda funny seeing peoples looks!! Aiming to have a good 4 / 5 hours on it today hopefully!

dubdemand - i've been doing it here and there but I reckon about 5 hours so far.

How did you remove the roof bars in the end? Looking to spray mine
Yup, removed them, wasnt difficult really, just a bit annoying getting to the bolts!!

Few more pics, getting there slowly!! Just bonnet, bumper and rear roof spoiler to do! Needs to tidy up a few places and sort the edge where the carbon bit above the exhausts join the white but nothing too drastic! Painted the ghastly aluminium around the edge satin black, just got the ones below the windows to do!

Simply stunning mate! I'm blown away.

I can't wait to see it finished
How about carbon rapping the rear spoiler ? as a contrast ...
hot diggidy dawg! I actually wasn't a fan of the white avants thread but the contrast with subtle carbon use and black window trims has swayed me. I definitely like how yours is going. hats off to you. Did you remove the aluminium trim from the windows to paint it by the way? I'm not even sure how it attaches. Will you do the underside of the bonnet by the way or leave that and the engine bay red?
yes i took the window trim off, half of it is clipped and the front section is rivetted but nothing too difficult!!

I wont be doing the underside of the bonnet no! I started doing the door shuts but it got very frustrating so ripped it all off!!!!
haha. that doesn't bode well for the rest of us if you got frustrated and ripped it off. Will you give it a bash again after the rest of the car is done?
that's good to know about the window trim. I'm wondering now if I do a gloss black wrap if putting matt vinyl on the surrounds would be just silly? Or maybe some other colour? Mad red window trims again black car anyone? actually it could end up looking like a running shoe going down that route.
lol its difficult doing the door shuts tidy as there are 2 either side plus the bit in between!! I may give it a go but 99% of the time the doors are shut and they aren't noticed!!

Matt vinyl is possible but an expensive way of doing it. May as well just paint them!

Anyone know how the plastic bit around the front fogs come off, havent had a good look yet but they seem like they are on clips?

Yeah I can see the surrounds being a total pain in the ****.
paint does seems a sensible way to go. I just like the option of going back to chrome if I realise i've been a tit.
If the S4 fog grills are the same as std and s-line versions.... They just pull off. start at the inner edge nearest the number plate and pull out. the outer edge sits into a notch in the bumper if that makes sense at all?
edit*** pictures i linked to prob aren't that handy after allhttp://www.audi-sport.net/vb/a4-a4-...e-front-lower-bumper-aero-wipers-milltek.html
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