K03 change up?

Ross K

Registered User
Jan 17, 2015
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Hello, I've been looking around and always see people changing K03 to K03s or to K04 but I was wondering if there were any other turbos that have roughly the same port positions? I bought an A3 1.8T Quattro and was looking to add a bit of extra power since it is everything stock apart from a remap which I was told was 200bhp but I'm not too convinced without a readout. Apologies if I seem like a complete rookie, I don't know a whole lot about turbos.
Thanks in advance
Beachbuggturbos do bolt on upgrades k250,k280 or k300. Horsepower potential is in the name as a guide, they'll need larger injectors and other supporting modifications
id imagine stage 2 hardware parts plus wmi and then a custom map by badger 5 or rtech would see you some good gains and generally a nicer car to drive. what turbo is on the car now?
Hi guys, thanks for the replies. So far the car is stock minus a cat back exhaust and remap so it is still running a K03. I was just looking to see if there was anything on the market that fits the same but has maybe bigger potential than the K03s or K04. would the k280 be the same size as my K03 then? For this car I am not looking for huge gains, probably between 250 and 300 would do me. With the K280, intercooler, injectors and map do you think it would pull roughly the figure I am looking for? Obviously if I go any higher then I will have to change internals such and for this car I don't feel like it would be worth it.
Aside from the inlet is it the same? I know there are a lot of changes to fit a K04
The K300 is a direct bolt on making use of existing K03 manifold, downpipe, oil and coolant lines etc... obviously it requires a larger MAF tube from a 210/225 car like the S3, TT etc, injectors and a custom map (and the larger TIP) but other than that its a bolt on upgrade...

To get proper power out of it you would need a FMIC too... without rods though you would probably need to tune on the safe side of boost/torque delivery asn K03 hybrids can be spooly/spikey little mofo's

That is a lot of help :)
So power wise the K300 is far superior to the K03-52? with not much need for additional extras like cooling lines etc.
k300 will be in another league compared to an 03s.
it will pull totally differently peak figures are only a small part of the set up.
but from the sounds of it to get most out of the conversion you will want uprated rods so have you a budget in mind?
it will easily go into the thousands
Yeah I am thinking that I will have to uprate the rods and more so from that thinking, since I don't want mega high bhp, I am still leaning towards a K03s. Although it is very appealing to have a fast car such as it could be, I don't want to spend mega money on it since I am still a student. Plus the car is sitting at just over 100k so no doubt something catastrophic would go wrong if I spent a lot on it.
I am assuming the K03s could reach maybe 270 ish? I know even then the rods would be nearing their max (or probably over it)
Nah, if everything is in good condition with all the bolt ons you may be lucky to hit ~240hp but that will be rinsing the turbo hard.

I'd get a k300, bolt it on (with supporting mods) and tune to around 270. That way the turbo won't be running flat out so should help with longevity, (not that i have heard of any issues with dan's turbos). In my opinion of course.
Looks like the K03s is out the window then. I would happily go higher than 270, I just don't think it would be worth it in that age of car with that sort of mileage. Then again, I could be completely wrong since the guy I bought it off said it had an engine rebuild a year or so ago. What sort of mods would I be looking at for around 270 then?
270 is a kind of in the middle area
your options have been stated
either get a 03s with all hardware and a decent custom map!

or go all the way and hybrid it but do the rods
one will see you a good 230bhp
the other a good 280 min bhp

also worth noting the k03s will hit higher power and hold it for longer than your current turbo.
if your a student go k03s

dont kid yourself into thinking this can be done cheap
because it cant.
I definitely know this isn't going to be cheap, not much to do with cars is. I was thinking this could be more of an ongoing project than just all at once because then I could spread the cost out a bit more. I know it is going to cost me a fair bit for the higher power but spread over a year or so should make it easier.

I guess you guys are probably getting a bit sick of my questions now so I will just think it over. I will probably just save for a little while and get a k03s (although the cost for that and a k300 don't seem all that far apart) and supporting mods then if I still have the car in a couple years then I can think about more power.

Thanks for the help
Go for the K280 rather than a K03s.

You can easily tune the K280 to K03s power levels just now to suit the mods your car has, then up the power in future when you add the other bits.
Funnily enough I was just looking at there. I was thinking that is probably the best idea because I doubt I will want to go over 280 in this car anyway. I also saw someone selling one that has a chipped blade but it is going cheap. Do you think it is worth buying and refurbing?
Hi guys I decided to revive this thread just for a couple more questions if any of you are able to help. I have spent a long time thinking of my options and doing my research and have narrowed it down to two turbos, the K300 and moving onto a K04. I've been looking around but cant seem to see rough numbers a stock K04 can make? obviously with supporting mods but everywhere I have looked gives different answers, some have said max 240 others have said over 300. I know there are different variations but any ideas what one is best to go for?

I know I seemed like a bit of an idiot before but I have learned.

Thanks in advance,
Stock Ko4 have been seen to put out out 325hp on a B5 manifold, a few make over 300hp,most at max seem to make 270-300hp.
Variance due to the wear and tear of the car and the supporting modifications.

You'll need all the same supporting modifications on a ko4 anyway.

What's your budget?

For a start a Big wellycooler DIY is like £230, non DIY £400+
k280 turbo £625 + uprated actuator
TIP £145
Decat if you need one £80
Injectors + custom Map £400+

Thats £1500 without even thinking about uprating brakes/suspension/Tyres etc
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I am tempted to just go K04 then. I had thought K300 for £775 and the rest of what's listed although I already have a decat turbo back stainless system so that's not more expense.

I am just not sure which is the better turbo, I want to run around 270-280bhp but if I could reach higher without having to change rods then I would. I am thinking through the summer having a £2k max.

What are your thoughts on K04 vs K300? The K03's have a bigger torque spike which may be a problem but then again may not.

That's my thoughts. Is there any way to do the 1.8 rods without having the engine out?
You can do rods with the block still installed in the car, but I wouldn't fancy doing it. Much much easier with the block on a stand.
Fair enough, I will just get my friend to help me one week during the summer :) So rods is another thing to add to the list.

What do you guys think, K300 or K04?

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