Help to identify Wheel lock bolts.


Registered User
Feb 20, 2004
Reaction score
Borders, Scotland
Hi my A4 Locking bolt key has stripped the hex on both the 17mm ans 19mm flats so I am now working with an 18mm socket hammered on. I have a code for the key, stamped on it F and 3 numbers and they look exactly like these;
I don't think they are genuine Audi, quality isn't that good but does anyone else know of anyone who makes lockers like these, which incidentally are "Bimmec"? I have tried t contact Bimmec in Italy but the website doesn't seem to allow foreign E.Mails, maybe? so I think I am looking for a UK retailer for them, also messaged the E-bay trader on the above advert but I may be barking up the wrong tyre :)
Anyone ? or are you just thinking why doesn't he just buy a new set, well it has crossed my mind and I may do that yet!
Anyone ? or are you just thinking why doesn't he just buy a new set, well it has crossed my mind and I may do that yet!
Check with a company TPS genuine Audi parts just a bit cheaper they will have or if you check out Ebay there are good quality on there as i had to buy a code N key £19,99.
Now i would go playing around with you locking nuts as it cost me a hell off a lot off money to get them off plus i hope you haven't over tightened
I wasn't getting anywhere trying to identify what they were and when I thought about it, they were not great quality anyway, so I now have a genuine set. much better, cheers for the replies.